Monday, May 23, 2011

Lo and Behold…Our Bath…at Lowe’s!

So I am at our local Lowes Hardware looking at pink paint…see previous post

and grab a mag…as I wait in line and…

There is our bathroom!

In all of it’s handmade glory


The cashier didn’t seem too interested…::::yawn::::

Even my kids were like…hmm…cool. in a totally non excited voice when I showed them…

then kept on watching baseball. priorities. harumph.


Well…I was excited...

.a big thank you to Better Homes and Garden’s Kitchen + Bath makeovers

and Becky…writer/stylist extraordinaire!

Maybe if I go tell Honey the hamster…I’ll find some excitement.


Because that is how this whole thing started…the little bugger escaped… got caught in the

wall from when we were tearing out the other bathroom

travelled all the way in the wall to the other end of the house…where days later we found

him scratching away at the wall. What could we do? But tear out the wall to save the hamster...

and start creating a new bath. no dummie here

No Hamsters were harmed…Honey went on to live a long (ish) happy life.

Check out the mag…especially if you are doing some re-muddling.

I was told our other bathroom remodel where Honey escaped into... will be in the Winter issue.


Lot's of good make-overs in this issue!


An Urban Cottage said...

How cool! And you didn't even know?

Linda@ Lime in the Coconut said...

No...I knew when they came for a couple of days to photograph the place. That was two, count em, two years ago. I kinda thought it wasn't going to show up...then was told it would, and they would send me a copy before it hit the stands. Hadn't recieved the copy, so assumed it wasn't out yet.

Fun surprise.

Unknown said...

congrats on the feature!!!

Karena said...

Too cute Linda!! I am really excited about the magazine...congrats!

I have a great giveaway from Serena & Lily, do come and enter!

Art by Karena

Jane said...

What a great surprise! I wonder if you will get that free magazine as promised...

BTW...I love the look!

Kristin said...

OMG, that is so awesome, your bathroom made it to the magazines. Congrats!!

Anonymous said...

How VERY cool!!! and to be surprised to boot!

I hope you nudged everyone in line and pointed out the great article.

I'll see if I can grab a copy...and I will be pointing out that fact that I KNOW HER :)

Meine Dinge Franka said...

Lovely bathroom - worth to be shown!!!



A Perfect Gray said...

that's fabulous. and even more exciting to find it so unexpectedly! congratulations om being published! donna

Black Zebra said...

Girl I too am excited !!!!! your bathroom is to die for! Congrats:-)

Arica said...

shut up i would have been so excited WITH YOU!

for the love of a house said...

omg... that is SO exciting!!! And the story of how you found it in Lowes is crazy! I would have stood at the front door with the greeter person, and showed everyone who walked in the mag!!
Congratulations! Can't wait to get ahold of a copy!


Tybee Dreaming said...

Wow congrats, I bet u felt proud all day long. I had a moment sorta like u did, when I had my e=mail read by Bill O'Reilly on his show. I was ecstatic telling everyone only to get the same reaction as u did. Just think very few people have had the privilege that we did and that is something to be proud about.

Anonymous said...


anita said...

well i'm WAY excited for you !!!

and i feel like i can smell honey the hampster, cuz once you've had one, you "know" haha!
big congrats linda, big stuff:)

Desert Dreaming said...

That is so awesome, and well deserving!!!! It's beautiful and what a great surprise!!!


Anonymous said...

HOW EXCITING! (I'm doing virtual cheering and clapping for you!)

Fantastic! You must feel so proud and how sweet that your compassionate deed led to such a great bonus for you! Will look for the Winter issue pics when they come out!

(I hope Honey the Hamster is still fine and a member of your household but in a safer environment?) He is so darn adorable!

Congrats again!

Linda (aka Beachside Cottage!)

Deborah said...

**clapping of many hands** Oh how wonderful, Linda!!! You ROCK! Ever so proud to be your friend. Congratulations. **kisskiss** Deb

Melissa said...

That's awesome! You know, for some reason I thought about this the other day. I remembered that post you did way back in the day when they came to your house for the photo shoot. I know these stories often take months to complete, but I wondered if it was out and you just forgot to tell us! This is so fun, what a huge kick in the pants to see your bathroom in the pages of a glossy magazine! And that's funny about the hamster. When I was little my pet hamsters and gerbils were always getting loose and finding their way into the heating ducts in the floor. My parents would put a glass jar in there with a treat inside and a little wood ramp up to it. They'd fall in and then couldn't crawl back out because of the glass sides. But I don't think they'd ever agree to tearing out walls to save them! :)

Emily@TheWickerHouse said...

Oh My Gosh, I love the hampster story. Congratulations on the magazine. I would imagine that to be very exciting.

Farmgirl Paints said...

whoop whoop!! that's totally exciting...and it looks perfectly perfect in that magazine. can't believe you LIVE there. WOWZA!! i'm totally coveting your subway tile. i want subway tile so bad.

Arabella said...

OMG!! That is SO exciting, Linda - congratulations. It's a well deserved feature - you rock!

I hope you have time to come over & enter our "pick your summer pillow" giveaway. The retail value is up to $200 ~ Have a great week & congrats again!! :O)

alison giese Interiors said...

Wow! That's super-duper cool! I'll check out the issue next month when we're Stateside. Kudos!!

Joyce said...

Very fun and exciting my friend. I can say "I knew her when"!! xo

Blue Muse said...

How fabulous was that?! Took 'em long enough!
I love, love, LOVE your bathroom :)
Congrats on the spread! Very nice.

xo Isa

Acanthus and Acorn said...

That is so great!!! Wow a 2 year delay makes it all the better I'm sure. I will definately have to pick up a copy. Congrats!!!

Kirsty Girl said...

Wow! How exciting is that!

Charlotta Ward said...

I love how you always make me smile! x

What a brilliant surprise to find the feature..! I mean, just like that..
The bathroom looks great (thanks Honey.. :) and big congratulations to you for the showcase! Very exciting!!

xx Charlotta

sealaura said...

Oh my goodness!!! how exciting, I would have been jumping up and down :)
Good thing for that sweet little hamster. If it were my wafers I would have done the same.

Janell @ House of Fifty said...

Congrats!! That didn't happen to me this past week when I was picking up a can of pink paint! :) Looks fabulous! Janell

Lisa said...

YES !!!!!!!! I knew you would be in a magazine....better be ready, after they see that they will def want to photograph more of your house..that IS exciting, I don't care what that boring ol lowes cashier though !!! Lisa

Island Jive said...

Looks killer! Big Smiles & Shakas :)

MB said...

That's awesome! Congrats! Honey the cute is that!

Unknown said...

Funny story. Congrats on being published! It does take a loonnnnggg time to get to print doesn't it? That's the beauty of blogs.

Simple Daisy said...

Get the door and come back in!!!! That is soooooo cool:):)
Yeah for you!!!!

Photography By Terri Harper said...

Great story of your new bathroom and Honey the hampster. Love the shot of Honey eating the cookie!

Maria Killam said...

Stunning bathroom, I love it!

Vix said...

Well this is mega-exciting: another BHG triumph for you, albeit one they really should have acted upon earlier, ha!

After all, you and Honey the Hamster did such an excellent job planning and executing the reno that it certainly deserves widespread notice.

Will the mag have tons of process pics? I remember seeing some way back when, and would love to revisit all your hard work...which resulted in perfection at every stage along the way.

[As I always say nowadays, better you than me, my dear....]

Kellie Collis said...

Congratulations! Your bath is just lovely! Have a beautiful day, Kellie xx

rjerdee said...

Wha? They didn't send your comp copy yet? Me'll time.

Renae Moore said...

Yay!!!! So this is what all the 'lights, camera, action' was all about a few months ago,,, Congrats...will go get a copy!

Renae Moore said...

Yay!!!! So this is what all the 'lights, camera, action' was all about a few months ago,,, Congrats...will go get a copy!

Maryam in Marrakesh said...

Your bathroom is seriously beautiful and I so love that you have your own style!

sydney85 said...

I just found "your" magazine with the bathroom feature. It is great! Congrats to you.

Tanya said...

Your bathroom is so gorgeous! I'm getting a hamster right away!

Julia @ Hooked on Houses said...

Congrats, Linda! That's very exciting. Can't wait to get my hands on a copy--I love your bathroom. And after reading your story about it, I think I might need to get a hamster of my own. Ha.

Rocio @ Casa Haus said...

I'm so excited for you!!!!!! Congrats!!!!! It's such a beautiful reno!

Renée Finberg said...

that is great.
and that little honey is so cute.
great shot!

The Vintique Object said...

Your bathroom is stunning and right up my alley!!! I think I need to follow you.

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Congrats, Linda! I heard about your feature, that is so exciting. What an honor to get in the mag.


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