Thursday, March 19, 2009


Didn't get a dayum thing done outside this week.
So...I give to you our unfinished outdoor area.
Why, you politely ask? Because I am HOOKED on finishing it!!
I figure if I show it to you in this state it will motivate me to get it in that state.
simple, eh?
...In all of it's full, unpretty, crooked and unfinished glory.
Full disclosure.Our pool area is a mess.
We had a friend take down the 35 year old pool screen.
Thank you thank you thank you!!
This must be what catarac surgery feels like...
We can see color above the pool. Blue sky, green palms...
lovely saturated color. No more grey screened color

{This is under our roof...we have about 200sf here. and 2000 in pool area. Ideas???}
But now we need to paint and scrub and powerwash
and arrange chairs and umbrellas...and make it liveable again.
This is the sad but true view we have right now...which
maybe by the weekend will be much better
ok. a little {Corner of pool area. It has about 7 arches to the outside yard}
Like I said...we're feeling a little crooked...

Much, much work to do...sigh

How does the saying go?...many hands make light work...yep.
This weekend the kids and I are having at it. Making work light.
I can hear their moans from here.

Meanwhile...nature keeps working it's amazing graces...

This is a piece of driftwood I found on the beach.
Now home to a vibrantly smiling bromeliad...

I don't hear it moaning and complaining.

keep palming...without my asking.

keep lemoning...even when I am not looking.

Cleodendrum blasts its firecracker like blooms

Yep...a veritable party in the back yard!
Isn't nature grand?
...I need to follow it's lead and get crackin'


anita said...

wow! now thats a tropical paradise!

even w/ a little sideways looks like a lush little piece of heaven to me! you dont need advise girl, you got it going on!

Designs on 47th Street said...

It looks fabulous to me! Coming from the midwest, I am fascinated with your pictures. Thanks for sharing!


Mama K said...

Beautiful photos! Their beauty is good for my soul, up here where the winter is slowly fading and all is still brown.

Did you decide what color to paint? When you posted a pic of the entry a while ago, I pictured it in a cool periwinkle or turquoise. I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with that space. it is so very pretty where you live!

Kierstin Bridger said...

WOW! Here theris only tiny tiny buds of green in a vast plain of brown---thank goodness we have the mountains to look at!
Your flora and fauna are ridiculously beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Oh, you live in a little tropical paradise..., don't work too hard..., one step at the time. Here it's not springy enough yet to bring out my rockers, hang the blinds, beautify the outdoors.

Melissa said...

Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!!! Oh, how envious I am right now. At the moment I have zero landscaping. We're still trying to clear out overgrown trees and level everything. And the I find out this week that we need an entirely new septic system, which means digging up the entire backyard and delaying my landscaping plans another month... Boo hoo!

It' an Evolution said...

Oh I feel warm all over...looks devine to me. Enjoy your "work" if you can call it that :)

Bridget said...

I love the tropical flora! I'd hang out in your yard even without the powerwash!

MissBliss said...

beautiful pictures... i love tropical wildness... we have it outside our doors here in Miami Beach, too. :)

i love the exploration of that quote, many hands... and the kids moaning ;)

Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

Grand indeed! I love that post!

Renée Finberg said...

i have to double dip on "WOW"

your house and property look fantastic. is your place an older fla house or new construction ?

it almost looks too charming to be new.

AND how did you ever get the driftwood home ???


Ms. Tee said...

Wow, Linda - you got such a beautiful garden! Good luck this weekend with getting it all done... ;) Do you hire your kids out, by any chance?

Ms. Tee said...

oopss...meant to say "you've" got such a beautiful garden. ;) I need sleep!

Linda@ Lime in the Coconut said...

Thanks for all your (overly nice) words!! I think I need that. It is more colorful now, for sure! Spring will be springing soon...everywhere. Hold tight.

Ms. Tee. Hire them out...hmmm. that might motivate 'em.

Renee. It's old....not real old (our last home here was 1916...this is the 70's) But unique old. Guy's LOVE this place. Insurance appraisers, construction's kinda funny.

Melissa...septic? How not fun. Sorry, girl.

Mama K...we just had the soffit fixed in the front and need to paint it too. Also are working on a better front walkway. Like your ideas for cool colors...hadn't thought about them! Thanks.

Anita...sideways Zen. Perfect!

Joyce said...

Your yard is so beautiful! It is a vacation just viewing it here! Lemons growing- fun!! xoxo

vicki archer said...

That is the beautiful thing about gardens - they rarely moan! Have a wonderful weekend with great productivity and happy little faces, xv.

Anonymous said...

Linda, it's all gorgeous!!!

Several condos have screened decks. We thought about having a screened deck for about two seconds. There are Barn Swallows living in the bluffs. They take care of most of the insects. I don't think we would enjoy the view as much, through screening.

modernemama said...

Oh, that's breathtaking and just what I needed. It's snowing here!

for the love of a house said...

Okay, this post really offends me. Everything is green and beautiful, and you say it needs work?? I don't see it- I think it is perfect the way it is. Leave those poor children alone Joan Crawford!!! Shouldn't you be somewhere with you foot up eating bon-bons?!!:)

Dayum... that's a beautiful property you have!

p.s. I covet that piece of driftwood. Gorgeous!

Mary said...

Oh Linda - it is already so wonderful !! Makin' me miss the tropics.
Hey ! It's Friday - aren't we supposed to be having Margaritas for breakfast ?

~ Lisa @ AbidingThere~ said...

Beautiful already! Can't wait to see the after pics!!

a quiet life said...

it looks pretty darn fab to me, so lush, tropical and inviting! i can't even imagine an after pic, this is pretty darn entertaining~

Deborah said...

Oh so, love, love. In my little desert dwelling, I have a pseudo San Diego. Now I am wondering if I can get bromelaid to grow by the koi pond. Thank you for the inspiration. If you have a minute, come see my backyard tribute to Arizona spring.
**blows kisses** Deborah

Julia @ Hooked on Houses said...

I heard some kids moaning and groaning--now I know they were yours instead of mine for a change! ;-)

Your yard looks so much better than the bare and still-gray woods outside my window. I can't wait for things to come back to life here!

Ry @ Sotto Il Monte Vineyards said...

Makes me want to go outside! Your garden looks spectacular! I can't imagine it could get better.

Beki - TheRustedChain said...

You are cracking me up!!

It all looks gorgeous. I would love to relax and soak in that space.

Thanks for stopping by! I love seeing your juicy avatar on my blog every week. :)

Pam Kersting said...

WoW! You really do live in a tropical paradise! Lucky girl! Just go slowly -- plan managable projects that you can do in a day. In the meantime, enjoy that fabulous tropical foliage and bright color!

DesignTies said...

I want your backyard!!!!

Call me crazy, but I don't think you need to do any work out there!!

LOVE the Bromeliad in the driftwood -- very pretty :-)

Kelly @ DesignTies

Unknown said...

That is "BEAUTY IN THE BACKYARD" at its best! I can't imagine what it will look like when you change it up.

Blessings - Debbie

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

I doesn't look like you have much to do to me. Such a paradise. Ah, but I do love the tasks of Springtime!!

Linda in AZ * said...

* TERRIFFIC photos and a DELIGHTFUL, FUN READ! Many thanks! Linda *

annechovie said...

What a gorgeous yard, Linda! Love it. Have a terrific weekend and thanks for your comment and visit!

Anonymous said...

You wow me with your colors. Must be the Florida girl thang.The weather is luxurious, just right to get some gardening work done. We are lucky, right? You have a wonderfully inspiring blog. Beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I'd say it's've lived in CO, you know what I'm looking at right now.

can you say brown?

Your yard is amazing!

Mrs. Douglass said...

So beautiful. . .makes me miss having a backyard.

PS -- IRB: Indian Rocks Beach <3

Thanks for stopping by.


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