It all begins with a striking saffron wall
that runs the perimeter of
the Kahanda Kanda Boutique hotel
in Sri Lanka
or is mimosa the new saffron?
keep movin'.

An infinity pool overlooks the palm fringed jungle beyond...

Built as a private villa in 2000 by George Cooper
It has been turned into a chic and sassy boutique hotel
surrounded by a 12 acre tea estate.
Oh. how lovely
When you arrive you are welcomed with a chilled tea towel and a
refreshing tropical fruit drink.
...and why I ask does this not happen in my home...when I arrive?
I'm gonna research this! Pronto.

George...relaxing in his hand built paradise...
I'd be smiling too, by George.
and beautifully adorned
with Asian art work, antiques, romantic netting and private gardens...
adjoining each suite.
They house showers....that open to the starry skies above.
As close to nature as you can get without sleeping under a palm!

They offer some wonderful looking health and well being programs
Yoga retreats...wellness retreats and weekends.
Um. Yes please.
Me! I'll go just for the bathroom... indoor/outdoor heaven!
How beautiful is this place. Gorgeous. Oh I can't tell you how much I wish I were there now and it's not only for the drink
Just divine - great post Linda! That word Mimosa does have a real something doesn't it! Let us know how you go with tabling the idea of the same welcome at home at your next Management meeting with Mr. Mixologist. We'd all want tips on how to instigate that!
Millie ^_^
Oh, my gosh! I'm in!
I'll be dreaming about that infinity pool. Wowza.
Chilled tea towels! I never knew I needed those. I love the saffron. Don't see much of that in my neighborhood, wish we did.
These photos look like a couple of resorts around here, wow! I could swear you've been in the BVI snapping pictures.
Lovely post..this one says "home" to me!
heavenly!! i want i need an indoor-outdoor bathroom *sigh*
am off to have some fresh juice:)
Count me in! Excuse me, would you please move over a bit so I can share that hammock and drink with you?! Linda totally beautiful. Have a golden weekend! xoxo
WOW! zen! The towels and juice, that makes such a wonderful impression, it's the little things, I swear!
I am so there!! XOxo <3 Üdo
I love the treated concrete floors.
Happy Derby weekend, Linda :)
This looks like the perfect place to relax! Ax
I am definitely in!! WOW, loving all the interiors and the nature..!! gorgeous!
THIS is paradise! It's the most beautiful saffron color I've seen.
Oh I am SO in. I, too, have asked that very question - why am I not greeted with a drink! Clever and beautiful post, my dear. **blows kisses** Deborah
I am IN! Of course, I would love to be any place right now that is "done". Oh I 'm not complaining(much) - but I do have overwhelmed moments.....thanks for taking me away just when I needed it.
Happy May Day.
this gorgeous place IS has all the elements that make my heart sing!
and you know he gathers up tropicals from right outside his doors for his arrangements.
heart be, on second thought pound wildly!
thanks for sharing!!!!!!!!!
First off..., oh yes we should all get the royal treatment. Then..., a yoga retreat sounds really good. I once over-wintered in a yoga retreat center on Paradise Island (Bahamas), it was awesome, not as luxurious (at all), but under palm trees too.
ME TOO!....when do we leave? That looks like heaven!
Gorgeous place!!
Totally IN! The only down side is the flight over. I've been to southeast's a long haul.
~angela @ peonypatch
I'm in! Love the post and your blog!
Me, me, me!! Sign me up! I've already purchased my plane ticket!
I'm definitely in!!!! Let's go right now!!!! I'd love to take dip in the infinity pool then lounge about in the hammock, sipping a glass of lemonade and enjoying the beautiful scenery :-)
*Sigh* I SO live in the wrong place!!!!
Victoria sent you an e-mail about how to use Windows Live Writer. Hope it helps. If you get stuck, drop us a line to let us know what you're stuck on and we'll try to unstick you :-)
Kelly @ DesignTies
What inspiration! I would love to live there, too....
i could definitely 'do' this place!
Looks like heaven on earth...we all could use a break right now, maybe we can get a "group" rate for bloggers...I still want to know where you find these amazing spots??
I'm in for sure! These places look amazing! Your blog is fun and lets me get away for a bit! Thanks!
Holy Moly, I'd like to be there.
And as Donovan said, "I'm just wild about saffron."
George isn't the only one smiling after that! :)
oh yeah, I'm going for that bathroom!!
Hey Linda, count me in! I nominated you for an award. Check it out at my blog.
Love the yellow building! Stunning!
....take me away. I absolutely love your blog, thanks for the hard work in making it so worth coming back to.
What a wonderful place, Linda!
Love to go there..
Have a nice weekend!
Oh, all of it's so pretty - but those bedrooms are *divine*. :) I'm in, definitely.
P.S. Your new header is lovely!
just gorgeous!!!! new header!! Pretty!!!! I"ll miss the old one I liked that one too - it was so atmospheric, it always made feel like I was on the beach!!!!!
How I wish I were spending my weekend here instead of organising a 10 yr olds birthday party! Slightly more relaxing I would imagine! Tracey xx
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