Sunday, December 20, 2009

NOT for the faint of heart…


Just what DOES happen when some teenagers decide to create

some goodies for a holiday party and steal your camera to document said creations?


Ok…I get it


the little scruffians…


Seem innocent enough…


they apparently formed their own little

penguin fight club!


It was a bloody creamy massacre

poor little olive never had a chance.

And then the mice

had to come charging into the picture…


… apparently red dye number 2

has been known to create deformities


Massive deformities...In chocolate mice!


What has our world come to?

what happened to peace on earth?


goodwill to men?

and even broken mice and overly-aggressive penguins





kj said...

YOU are a riot!!! i am laughing here by myself and when i got to the red dye deformities, i could no longer contain my chuckles.

i love your blog. have i told you this already?! i come here, pull up a chair, and relax in your very cool breezes.


Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings... said...

All I can say is ...WOW! Cute little guys until the battle began!! Lol...How much fun they must have had! Gotta love it, xoxo~Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings...MERRY BLOODY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Melissa said...

Very impressive food creations! The deformed mice really crack me up.

The rest of your house looks gorgeous!

Mary said...

Wow everything looks so bella - but the fight club cracked me up ! I may have to steal that idea for a Christmas Eve party - would you mind? I'll give you credit .....?

La Maison Fou said...


anita said...

what cool houseful you have there!

and L*O*V*E your tropical mantel

alison giese Interiors said...

OMG! LOVE it! The Christmas Day penguin massacre!
Oh, and your mantelscape is to die for!

Linda@ Lime in the Coconut said...

...and funny thing about those one wanted to eat the fight club loser. Strange.

The tropical stuff is OUR form of Christmas. Grab clippers or machete. Go outside. Hack away at poor unsuspecting palms (hmmm.I see where they get it from now)Bring them inside. Throw them on the piano.

Easy peasy puddin' and pie!

Lisa Porter said...

Well turn tonight...wish me luck!

Deborah said...

OOOOOhhhhhhhh SOoooooooo funny! I LOVE that kid! That there is some cooking talent! And a wee bit of a twisted mind. Just my kind of kid. Linda, the colors in your decorations are ever so lovely...dreamy. I am crazy about those shelves filled to the brim with photos...I am so stealing that idea. oops. **blows merry kisses** Deb

rjerdee said...

oh, Linda, luv ya!!!! Thanks to your kids for the food laffs...fits right in with the funhouse you live in!

Kendall@ Finesse Your Nest said...

OMG, I laughed so hard at the penguin fight club I almost peed my pants! You made my morning!

karen@Mignardise said...

Don't you just love how teenagers take something that's meant to be cute and charming and turn it into something twisted???

Lauren said...

hahhahaha they are too cute!!! oh my gosh i have to have those litte olive penguins!!! your place looks absolutely beautiful!!! i love the arrangement on your piano!!

Black Zebra said...

OK,I think I just wet myself! Seriously crack me up!!
Merry Christmas to you and the Family!xx

Pam Kersting said...

Enjoy the holiday baking and decorating! It's the most wonderful time of the year, you know.

~ Lisa @ AbidingThere~ said...

The penguin fight club is hilarious - but I am totally drooling over that arrangement on your piano - it is AWESOME!!

Pat@Back Porch Musings said...

I love it!!

Merry Christmas, Linda!

Ivy Lane said...


Jane said...

Love the penguins! and the humor...
The apple does not fall far from the tree... Your daughter seems to have inherited your sense of style.

Love the arrangements (palm fronds and bird of paradise)!

Happy Christmas!
Jane (artfully graced)

Jessica @ Lavender and Lilies said...

You are hilarious!

Hibiscus Moon said...

Too funny! I luv those penguins! I've never seen those before. I love you've decorated with the natural greenery of Florida.

Renée Finberg said...

i'm sorry,
those are the cutest penguins ever!!

how incredible creative your teenagers are!

are they available, or are they already booked for new years eve?


Maria Killam said...

Linda that is so fabulous!! I have never seen penguins made from food before!! I love it, thanks for posting such fun pictures!!

Chris said...

I swear, Linda. You're comments on my blog make me laugh out loud every. single. time. Hilarious! I love the penguin fight club! Again--laughed out loud.

Anonymous said...

YES! Best penguins/mice/Lumpina/pictures ever! :D

Renae Moore said...

Love it Linda and so much fun to have a house full of kids! Miss those days!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

How funny! I love those little mice and I worry about them! lol Your decorations are lovely! The piano is beautiful! Merry Christmas!

vicki archer said...

Cute stuff Linda....xv

a quiet life said...

so cute! LOVE the piano~

Tamara Jansen said...

OK, those PENGUINS are PRECIOUS! Better than a cake pop, I'd say :)

Porchlight Interiors said...

very cute penguins. I would never have thought you could do that with olives. Very creative teenagers. Good idea for a new years party.
Have a lovely Christmas

Linda Lou said...

Clever Linda, very clever, just what I needed at 5:42 in the am, 3 days before Christmas Eve....have a great holiday you silly girl you!!

Ry @ Sotto Il Monte Vineyards said...

What great kids you have and what cute little Christmas creatures they have made!
Love your tropical decorations.
Merry Christmas and Happy 2010!

Anonymous said...

ha!! it's mayhem, those penguins and mice!!

happy solstice..bring on the sun!!


Maya @ Completely Coastal said...

Oh boy, foodie creatures. Darling! And yes, I'm all for peace too. Peace of mind being numero uno!

Have a very Merry Christmas, Linda..., in your tropical paradise!

bikim said...

Your blog is gorgeous and inspirational,
I've added you to my favourite blog list, ok?!
Happy christmas,

Fifi Flowers said...

Ooooh FUN treats! LOVE those penguins!!!!
Merry Christmas... ENJOY!

KayEllen said...

How adorable!!

Merry Christmas with a tropical flair~~BTW which is wonderful:)

Now I want to hang our stockings off the piano!!So great!!!

Blessings to you and have a wonderful Christmas.

Mahalo for stopping by my blog:)

Kay ellen

Anonymous said...

I get the point, absolutely. What a great way to bring the Story !
Merry Christmas to you and yours.
Godeliva van Ariadone

Michelle said...

hahah......adorable but sad little penguins :o

loving your decorations MERRY XMAS !


BEAUTIFUL!!!! and I LOVE the Tropical mix happening in the space!!! (aren't the fingers of the palms magical?)
:D Lynda

Deviant Deziner, aka Michelle said...

FANTASTIC !!!!!!!!
LOVE the march of the cream cheeze penguins.

that was the best !

for the love of a house said...

Too funny Miss Linda!! I went to my very first Yankee-Swap with my neighborhood book group last week and those very penguins were there... scary that they are now crossing state lines!!!

Wishing you and yours a very happy holiday!

Velvet and Linen said...

I can always depend on you for a giggle Linda!
I wish you and your very creative family a Wonderful Holiday and a New Year filled with Health and Happiness.
Thank you for all of the smiles you have given me this year.


Karena said...

So cute and funny!! I am sure a great time had by all! Happy Holidays, Karena

Joyce said...

you are a hoot! Thanks for the smiles today my friend! xo

Karen Deborah said...

This is hilarious! your kids are having FUN!!! and your decorations are to die for my dear. How about a photo shoot of your tree in detail? Leave it to you to decorate with a tropical flare of gorgeous color! I LOVE IT!

You could play the Nutcracker war of the mice.

MissBliss said...

Linda- these penguins are hilarious! yummy.

btw, I corrected my blog post... we didn't drink all those drinks before breakfast... it was the night before, guess I was blogging before the coffee kicked in... lol

typing with a view of the snow falling in Four Mile Canyon, between Boulder and Nederland!

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