Thursday, January 6, 2011

A little vacation in our little town…

I told you before, that we live in a small city…or more like a small town

And we are graced with a delectable little art museum


...that hosts gorgeous internationally known artists and their art.



…wave hello to Grandma B!!!


a part of their sculpture garden

On a recent day

we visited and saw the work of William Wegman…And his gorgeous weimeramers

Fay Ray and pals…remember them?

I always think Of Melissa at Handwork Chronicles when I see them…she has a real life yellow eyed model

lucky her.


Yes I am a baaaad patron who snuck their camera in

But the work was just too adorable and thought provoking not to




Then I got busted…and had to put the lens away…

Visit if you are near…

Walk on the wild side…sneak your camera in no flash .

~You didn’t hear that from me though~



Melissa said...

Yay for Weimaraners!!! I have several of his books (I get all weepy every time I look at the Puppies book!) but have never seen his art in person. Lucky you! And thanks for sneaking your camera in there for me. :D

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I would love to visit! I'll follow the link and see if we are close enough to take a day trip! Hugs! ♥

Completely Coastal said...

I love when you take us around your gorgeous town. Vero Beach is on my list! Am looking for the "perfect" beach town to move to in the hopefully not so far future! Want to escape the cold temps eventually, haha!!!!

erin's art and gardens said...

oh yes...been there. a great museum....i was busted there for having a bottled water.

Linda@ Lime in the Coconut said...

Oh Yeah...Baaad offence Erin. How much time did'ja do?


Concrete Jungle said...

Such a pretty his books!

Jane said...

I'm gonna have to visit here during my next trip to Vero. This museum looks so interesting! We rarely play tourist when we're there. Instead we spend all the time catching up with our friends.

I LOVE Vero Beach. My husband and I would always go to the Driftwood Inn for brunch whenever we visited his family in Ft. Pierce. This routine began 36 years ago. It has changed a lot...but it's still a favorite location.
Jane (artfully graced)

anita said...

LOL...i do the same thing.
i love museum days, and i love that you were out with your mama. i have THE BEST of memories doing this with my mom, she loved museum/gallery/garden/photography/
lunch days so much. this is often how we spent our time together and so your photo struck a deep cord of love :)

Mary said...

shocked -just SHOCKED

Anonymous said...

What a fun thing to do to start your year off right! Thanks for sharing your sneaky pictures!
Happy 2011!

Simple Daisy said...

What a fun place to visit!!!
Wish I lived closer:)

ps...I am having a give-away on my blog if you have a minute to stop over!!!!!!

lila Braga said...

hahaha what you do for friends!!!
glad you managed to get some great pics to show us today!

La Petite Gallery said...

Fantastic artist, thanks for a summer day tour. It's cold here today.
in Maine burrrhh!!

Lisa Porter said...

what a little gem.

Renée Finberg said...

thank you for being a sneak.
i love that guy's work with the


Anonymous said...

Yes, really.

dec0r8or said...

I think Weimeraners are just the most beautiful dogs, and I am SO not a dog person. Thanks for sneaking some pics for us....I'm glad you didn't get arrested! Ha!

Loretta Fontaine (EcoHappy Blog) said...

Linda- Oh, what wonderful expressive doggies. Your museum looks like a real gem!


Ann said...

Great tip for visiting museums...although I'm afraid I'm too unadventurous to do such a thing...oh maybe I can ask my son to do the job:)

designchic said...

Sad I'm too far to visit. Look wonderful!!

Cobalt Violet said...

Oh, how I need a museum day! Soon!
LOVE the horse sculpture! Wonderful!

Mary Ann Pickett said...

HOW fun was that. Thanks.
Mary Ann

Leigha said...

What a lovely model...I have been trying to convince my husband to get me one, too!


Sniff said...

Love the look of that garden where Grandma sits. I think I'd love to sit there myself!

lila Braga said...

Hi...second visit,i know...but had to come back to tell you that your blog got the "Stylish blogger award" from me today!
And to know more about it just visit me to accept or decline the award.

Deborah said...

Oh Linda, wild you are!!! Thank you for taking a walk on the illegal side and gracing us with those shots. **blows kisses** Deb

Anonymous said...

I always sneak pics :) but do get caught as well

I've never seen his images in person...LOVE the triptich of the Weimaraners (glad Melissa spelled that for me) lying down.

tell me again where you live? St Augustine?


Betsy-Marie said...

I thoroughly enjoyed reading all your posts! I love all the pictures from this museum. Very beautiful! Thanks for posting!


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