and came across a haunting set of photos
he has entitled simply

He has amassed a collection of photos of abandoned houses
from throughout the country.
Forlorn, each must have their own
hidden story...locked
somewhere in the
wind and sun-worn shell.

These homes, no doubt held
memories and
life for a family...
maybe several.
Once square and proud.
When I was a child near my parents vacation home there was 3 abandoned houses that fascinated me, and I used to imaging the stories of such houses.
Gorgeous. Thanks for posting the pics, Linda. I've always had a fascination with old abandoned houses. I usually break in and walk around inside to imagine the inhabitants of years past.
I often wonder the history behind Abandoned homes & buildings. You can see the beauty and life that was once there and imagine what I would do to bring them back to their glory :-)
Each and everyone of this homes are simply gorgeous. If I look real close I can almost see and hear the families that once lived in them. This breaks my heart to see abandoned homes- to know at one time there was laughter, at times saddness protected within the walls of these grand homes.
I wish I could gather each and everyone of these homes in my hands to bring them back to life.
Thanks for sharing my friend, once again a wonderful post!
Have a golden weekend!
You do have to wonder about the families that called those houses home, don't you? Kind of like an estate sale. Memories and yet abandoned.
These photos are amazing. They look "quiet".
This is beautiful Linda. I've been "collecting" abandoned places for awhile and always wonder about the stories behind these structures.
these are fantastic shots Linda.
Abandoned houses make me melancholic and it would be so nice if some rich entrepreneur had the whim to restore them!
So...I'm not the only one that was drawn to these old souls? figured it could just creep many people out...especially with the economy and all.
Mango...I like how you described them as quiet. They do kind of whisper to you, don't they!
These photos are beautiful! My favorite is the first, the old house against the autumn woods. You're not the only one drawn to to these, for sure. :)
I love these photographs. The houses look as tho they are sleeping or waiting. Wouldnt it be fun to wake them up!
Wow. Wouldn't you just love to know the story behind each and every one of those houses? The first and the last particularly captivated me. I wonder if the last occupants knew when they left that they would never return?
A perfect October post, Linda!
These are some of the most amazing photos!!
Such beauty, so much history. Oh the stories these homes could tell. LOVE it.
Wow you gave me goose bumps, isn't that so true? All houses have stories to tell~~great post;) French
Those pictures make me so sad! I think of who must have taken care of those houses and what they feel if they saw them now!
So hauntingly beautiful - my daughter (17) wanted to do this very book.
Wow. What incredible photos.
There is a sad beauty to them all.
Its so sad, those photos. Great shots, eh? Totallly emotional to me for some wierd reason tonight.
coastal nest
love it sista..
Beautiful pictures. The one that makes me feel lonely is the old restaurant one. The last one kinda reminds me of the old house of Jenny's in the movie Forrest Gump.
I have a HUGE affection for abandoned places....I took a ton of pics this past Wed. at Fort Hancock, of the old gun turrets and empty barracks...its so eerie walking through there, especially when no one else is around! Havent gotten around to posting them on my blog, but i will
Great post - wonderful photos.
THose are some great abandoned houses... they all need a little tlc!
They are beautiful. I wish I could adopt one. Or two.
There is something about abandoned houses like this that are very moving. I was born in rural Southern Illinois and abandoned homes and barns were a common sight.
Right next door to my grandmother's house stood an old, green house that had been abandoned and was slowly collapsing in on itself.
I always thought the empty buildings were fascinating--and spooky! Just seeing these photos takes me back to my childhood and peering into those dark windows, wondering if there were any ghosts living inside.
Oh my, I can't breathe.
I am going to blog this on my blog.
Thank You!
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