Saturday, November 29, 2008

Fifi does horses!! Beautifully, I might add...

Oh...what a bountiful day...
Fifi of Fifi flowers fame, painted a beautiful picture
of Our
Daughter Olivia riding Sammie of red ribbon on her tail fame at her last show.
We won her giveaway, and she is sending
us 10 notecards of the painting.
I LOVE Fifi's whimsical and charged with color.
A fun and gorgeous style all her own...
So FiFi!
I mean, come this not edibly beautiful?!

YOU can own a Fifi original too! She will do commissions...stunning...
She has delightful, original Christmas cards
and...she will continue her giveaway till the end of the do enter a favorite picture here,
it could be your lucky day too!
Thanks FiFi...Love it, can't wait to get the cards!!!

We are off to the Palm Beach Steeplechase event...A
great fundraiser on a beautiful day...

...A beautiful peaceful day to each and every one of YOU

as the Thanksgiving weekend

slowly melts away...

Photo: Flickr


~ Lisa @ AbidingThere~ said...

Oh, I love the notevards, too! I adore those vibrant colors. Have a great time at Steeplechase and a relaxing weekend, Linda :)

~ Lisa @ AbidingThere~ said...

I meant 'notecards' hee hee :)

annechovie said...

Love it! Fifi is a talent! Have a great weekend, Linda!

Princess of Power said...

I love the notecards! What a wonderful treat!

dec0r8or said...

What a great little painting! Lucky you, Linda-Lou! :)

Fifi Flowers said...

What a LOVELY post... THANK YOU! I will be shipping cards on MOnday... please re-email me your address... I wrote it on a scrap of paper which I cannot find... which means once you send it to moi... I will find the scrap... LOL.
You can own the original painting too... let me know if you are interested!
ENJOY your day!

Lisa said...

Love 'em! And yes, had to go look at Fifi's blog and just love *all* the whimsical artwork.

What a nice gift!

Bridget said...

Congratulations on winning! That is so cool!!!! I love Fifi's work! It just exudes happiness.
When I lost my blogroll and had to rebuild from scratch, I missed a few so now I'm adding you back so I can keep up...I have to go back and see what I've missed!
It's good to see you again. Thanks for looking me up.

Natalia said...

She is absolutely amazing. I feel foolish now for not having asked her for doing a lil' something something for my Snew for Xmas. What a beautiful piece to treasure for years to come!

Linda@ Lime in the Coconut said...

Natalie....enter a picture in her giveaway is still going on!

I absolutely love the art she awarded us!! She IS amazing!!

Joyce said...

The cards are beautiful and very colorful! What a beautiful keepsake of your daughter on her horse.

Enjoy your day!

Anonymous said...

she really captured the moment! the color and the action...wonderful!

a bit sad that this lovely long weekend is almost done...

Amber Cargile said...

What fantastic notecards!

Have a great time at the races.

Anonymous said...

Hi Linda, Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today and for your lovely comment!

What a great painting---I'll bet your daughter is just delighted to have such a beautiful picture to commemorate her love of riding. And to be able to send out cards with it? Fabulous!

Hope you had fun at the steeplechase :)

Ms. Tee said...

I love Fifi's whimsical art, too - how pretty! :)
Hope you enjoyed your weekend!

Meg said...

I am totally coveting your Steeplechase adventure, lucky you!

Those notecards are beautiful!

Tara said...

Oh, gosh--lucky you!


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