So...this morning I went to Paris...Barefoot and in PJ's.
Yesterday's mail brought a delicious surprise from Deanne
at What's for Dinner? blog
What a treat...this morning I read it cover to cover
...Not sure I have EVER done that with a cookbook before!

My third year in college, I went to Paris to study abroad.
It filled my senses...It was all so intoxicating
This book brought it all back.
Poilane...The most luscious Boullangerie in France!
The good news...They will fedEx their famous four pound loaf to your door for only

Can't visit the city without sampling the grape...

Copper pans, Le crueset pots, tart pans...everything for the french cook.
Dehillerin...the top restaurant supply store for all Parisian chefs!
A fellow student was taking a cooking class at the cordon bleu at the time..
I remember accompanying her to this fantastic store.
I've never looked at a restraunt supply place the same!

Look at the size of that timepiece....fills his garden!

Nothing...reading it brought me to my fave french shelter mag
Cote Maison...
Which brought me to this great bohemian atelier of
Frédéric Tabary,
décorateur spécialiste du style métal et patines (what he said)
What an inspiring place to create, eh?
What an inspiring place to create, eh?
Great post! I wish I go and put my jammies back on....curl up with a book and a Latte! I have had such blogger's block lately! This post certainly gives a lift! :)
ooohhh paris..
been fortunate to have gone twice, but i would love to go again, and again and again.
I have never been to Paris, but I would love to. I adore Ina and her cookbooks are such a treasure. Wonderful post!!
Some yummy pics yet again;) French
HOW FABULOUS... I am sooooo HAPPY to visit you today! HOW WONDERFUL to study abroad! I was only in Paris for a week and feel in love! I cannot wait to return... hmmmm... when will that be... sigh!
ENJOY your weekend and merci beaucoup for sharing!
Paris was amazing as a student...although I was dirt poor. But met such amazing people...and saw some over the top ateliers! We lived in an amazing one (well a room)but it had the balcony overlooking the market street...the crazy landlord (literally). The once suicidal, amazingly talented artist housemate.
Thanks for your comments... Go...Go!!
Oh my this makes me want to return to Paris...we went in 2006 but only had 2 days there...not nearly enough time...we were on an organized tour for 23 days so we practically slept with our hands on our suitcases...LOL...if the lottery should smile on us, we will be back! Loved this post!!! ;-) Bo
What a fun trip and to think it all started with a cookbook! You are amazing!!!!
Paris is my very favorite place in the whole world! Thanks for taking me back there today. Lovely post.
What a fabulous post Linda - I have so enjoyed my little Parisian sojourn - merci! Those cookware stores are my absolute favourites, I could spend hours & hours there.
Millie ^_^
Love this post! Inspiring and charming.
I used to live in southern France, Montpellier but always visited Paris regularly. It is a lovestory that will last a lifetime.
Have you been there? I mean without you pjs?
Love, Mia
How did I miss this post?! I love it!! I haven't been to Paris, but have all of Ina's cookbooks. One of my dream jobs would be to work with her. I only saw her briefly for a book signing but there was something so sweet about her.
Linda, thank you for the beautiful comment today on my blog. Hugs...
I somehow missed this post! Wow - I would LOVE to go to Paris. :) I love all of your photos, too.
Oh, and I wish you could show some photos of your parents' deck! ;)
That shop with the french cookware gave me palpitations! I could spend hours in there - I will have just the spot to hang those copper pots when I finally get my new kitchen! Tracey x
It's like jumping down the rabbit hole when visiting here....
beautiful surprises 'round every corner!
Delicious post in every way.... thank you Linda!!!!
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