Monday, January 12, 2009

Dipping your toes in liquid turquoise...

Who feels like taking just a tad of an escape?

It's Monday...why not?

How about the Maldives...

Particularly the Taj Exotica Resort

Yes. Let's

The Resort is a sublime fusion of

luxury and nature.

Accommodation is a choice between

villas built entirely over water

or beach villas...

The Maldives is like a string of pearls scattered over the
deep blue Indian Ocean on the equator...
These 1000 islands surround lagoons in
infinite shades of
blue and turquoise.
and dazzling underwater coral gardens.

At the Taj...The living is easy, balmy.

No schedules...if you choose.

The individual villas have a
Malasian/Pan American vibe.
All about comfort.

Indulge yourselves...Imagine
a warm tub...maybe a glass of wine
and this for a view.
I think there is a good chance it will clear the cobwebs

...Or...Maybe you are more of the
shower au natural type...
amidst tropical flora and fauna

Little gifts of color...

and nature around every turn.

Pink and turquoise sunsets blanket your day...

...And your day wasn't too taxing...

...By the way.

Go ahead...escape a little bit.


a. said...

That looks heavenly!

Rachel said...

This place looks amazing; similairi to this place that I am soooo wanting to visit soon. Check it out; you'll fall in love too

Mango Gal said...

Absolutely beautiful!

Katie said...

Love it - the mini vacation I just took looking at those photos was just what I needed for my case of the Mondays :) Thanks girl!

La Maison Fou said...

Well, That's the ticket I was looking for today....
Thanks! Bungalow for one????

Mari @ Once Upon a Plate said...

Oooh, Just what I needed on a foggy Pacific NW morning.

Thank you for the indulgence! :) Very nice.

~ Lisa @ AbidingThere~ said...

Oh, I needed that. Thank you. It was stunning. Do I really have to go back to laundry now?

sealaura said...

I am definitely feeling this place. i will take rooms over the water por favor. As always you wisk me away on Monday and I love it.

Linda@ Lime in the Coconut said...

Sounds like more than just me myself and I needed a leetle escape.

Is this place not heavenly? I didn't show you the gym ove the water with the thatched roof...cause, that would be work. ya know?

Linda@ Lime in the Coconut said...

Oooh, and Rachel...your spot looks divine too! When are ya goin'???

Ms. Tee said...

Oh my goodness - amazing! I'd love to clear the cobwebs in that tub... ;)

Joyce said...

Linda- if I close my eyes I think I can feel the warmth from the sun! Very beautiful!!

J.Covington said...

Oh you're making it so hard for me to be a New Englander! I long for the days of "il dolce far niente" and this post takes me there.

Meg said...

Oh my goodness! It sounds like I am not the only one wanting to get away...sigh....

THIS place is sooooooooooooo calling my name! It must be in the air today, I posted about something entirely different and had a Tropical picture on!

sandra/tx said...

Oh, wow. Lovely and so serene.

Amber Cargile said...


Debra Howard said...

Oh Man, I would absolutely love to visit there. I love everything you listed. Lucky you if you got to stay there.

karlene said...

I want the decking by the lanterns with the pool, where do we sign up? Ohhhhhhhh the SUN!!!!

Lisa said...

Wonder if they need a live-in maid for that resort?? And a maintenance man...

vicki archer said...

Don't - this is just too cruel! I would like to go right now please...xv

Porchlight Interiors said...

I feel more relaxed after just reading this post - imagine how great I would feel if I had a week or two there! Gorgeous! Tracey x

Simple Daisy said...

Looks wonderfully fabulous!! Especially since we are experiencing blizzard-like conditions here in the midwest!! Your blog is sooo inspiring!!

Blue Muse said...

Thanks for the virtual vacation! That hammock has my name on it!

I love your new spicy color on the blog!
xo Isa

Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

Breathtaking. I am booking my my head at least!

Lauren said...

heaven!! i LOVE that tub by the window!!

ps- I'm coming to Florida this weeken on a last-minute trip... remember how your house made me crave it?? So we're visiting family for the long weekend!

Anonymous said...

oh please....I want to be in one of the little bungalows on the water...right now.

~ Lisa @ AbidingThere~ said...

Came back today for a second helping of the Maldives and noticed you changed the background color on your blog - very pretty :)

~ Lisa @ AbidingThere~ said...

It's fun getting to know you a little. I did a volunteer program with pregnant teens,too, but it was years ago. I was a lamaze coach/mentor. It was a huge learning ecperience for me. In a yikes! kinda way :)

High-Heeled Foot in the door said...

What lovely pictures. I am so itching to go away on vacation and this just made me want to get away even more.

Thanks for the great virtual vacation.

Ana Balbinot said...

Dear Linda,
I have an award for your blog in my blog! You must tell 5 obssessions and indicate 5 blogs of your choice, and link who gave you the award.
See you there!

Liz Harrell said...

If I lived near water like that I'd be a prune. Seriously, I'd never come out of the ocean. :)

dec0r8or said...

*deep breath in*.....*and release*....thanks for the mini-escape, Linda. That place looks amazing!

Anonymous said...

Ahhh, wait for meeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!! I'm packing my bag now and ordering my ticket.

One thing though, I'm so not ready to don a bathing suit:)

for the love of a house said...

Beautiful photos! Where do I leave the snow shoes?!!

anita said...

i'm there!

Sharon said...

Heavenly escape for the mind. this feels closer to home too, maldives indian ocean...Taj Exotica;)

SeaWorthy said...


Linda Lou said...

That's it - this one tops all of the fantasy vacation spots you have shared with all of us- I always wanted to go to India, so I will make a stop here after I spend a few weeks traveling India-nice fantasy!

Anonymous said...

Well I might not be able to be there in person, but these pictures at least make me feel a little more relaxed...thanks for the virtual holiday!

Alison Duffy said...

Your blog is such a refreshing change from my winter doldrums. Thanks!

Eloise said...

OK, sign me up immediately. That place looks heavenly!

Millie said...

Oh Linda - MOTH's pulling out his wetsuit as I write this! He reckons the diving in the Maldives is numero uno, so I think you've just helped us chose our next vacation destination.
Millie ^_^


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