Tuesday, September 1, 2009

A chair to be re-done…ideas please

Found, literally for a dime, at the habitat homestore.

Man...I have found some cool finds there!

Someone lovingly had it covered in

a silver fabric

chair 010

Not my thing…but I have a linen in mind…maybe

chair 002

it does have exquisite layers of paint…and gesso...on the carved legs and arms

chair 008

and gorgeous back

chair 011

I don’t know that it is as old as it looks…but it is wide

Big butt wide.

comfy wide.

chair 009

So...whad’ya think?

Linen, duck cloth….something else all together?

Give a gal an idea.

chair 003

Pretty please with a cherry on top.


Mango Gal said...

I love the chair, it's beautiful! Are you going to keep the frame as is? Maybe a dark color for contrast? Or did you want to keep it light?

Linda@ Lime in the Coconut said...

Well mango...it's not as light as the pics depict...linda light and dark...and lotsa texture. I like the frame...not the fabric so much.

Linda Lou said...

How about a bright tropical color - lime margarita green, or orange, since its so traditional, make it a fun happy fabric??

Melissa said...

Boy are we on the same wavelength! I just stopped by my habitat store yesterday. Mostly looking for dressers or other storage items for the bedroom, but also on the lookout for anything cool. Alas, it was not to be yesterday.

I just love this chair! I like the idea of a linen, but there are so many great options out there. Good luck, and I hope you post some "after" photos.

Wendy McDonagh-Valentine said...

What a wonderful, wonderful chair!! I love the width of it. I've never heard of a habitat store. Apparently, we need one in my neck of the woods!! I can't wait to see what you do to this!! Thanks so much for visiting my blog and have a great day. : )

~ Wendy

~ Lisa @ AbidingThere~ said...

Oooo I love it, Linda! I don't have a suggestion for you, but in my house I would cover it in vinyl so I could wipe the pb&j off every day :) lol

anita said...

how 'bout bold blk/brown and natural stripes..
sitting next to your comfy bed

Farmgirl Paints said...

LOVE the chair. I'm sure your will spruce it up really nice. Love that is nice and wide and comfy:)

Renae Moore said...

Well this is MY kind of chair! How about a bright linen and instead of piping use a rope cord in the same color or of contrast! And of course have the seat cushion plumped up with down and feathers!

Linda in AZ * said...

* Why don't "I" ever "find" these goodies?!?!?! (Me thinketh they just don't EXIST in the Tucson area... that MUST be it!!!)~

Love the details on the chair & it ALSO appears to be in great shape! (ADDED BONUS!!!)~

Soooo many options for you to explore for sure, BUT, why not "go a lil' wild" with it, making it pretty AND F*U*N?!?!?!?! (Wish I had YOUR "dilema!!)~

I always enjoy coming here! Thanks so much,
Linda in AZ *

J.Covington said...

Score! You could use french burlap / linen in an oatmeal color and antiqued nailhead over a contrast trim.

Drawn to The Sea said...

Whoa, what a lucky find. Perhaps the soft purple hue in the rug, (saturation depending on the light)? A purple would be a natural with the green on it's "bones". Maybe add a little green pillow with purple & off white accents.

Listen to ME giving YOU decorating advice. How funny.


Deborah said...

Well, according to Weight Watchers On Line, I could use a big butt wide chair. **weeps** But I LoVe the chair! Excellent find.

My Decor Style said...

I can't believe you found that chair at the Habitat store! I was just there about 10 days ago and did not find a thing. I guess you really have to check often. Good for you! Nancy

SeaWorthy said...

I would do it in your fave color. In linen, no shiney or print fabric.
What a find!
Lucky lucky tropical gal!

Mary Kay Andrews said...

Ticking stripe!

erin's art and gardens said...

wowza...what a find!! love the frame as is. to recover,i would use something neutral...burlap, old white chenille bedspread or if you go for duck cloth, buy a painters drop cloth from the hardware store...cheap and durable! have fun...can't wait to see it!!

Fargerike Dagny said...

I would have chosen a fresh, exotic print!

Linda@ Lime in the Coconut said...

Ok....so I am looking at it.

What if I did the Outside (arms and back) in a different fabric than the inside? I am thinking something nubby and neutral and textural (burlappy) for the inside. Love the idea of adding floof to it with down wrapping.

Then what if I did a wide wide stripe going horizontal on the outside?

Like the ideas of tropical and bold happy too!

Oh decisions.

Thanks one and all...Thanks!

alison giese Interiors said...

OMG! You gotta be kidding me?! What a steal!!

With that fabulous rug you have it sitting on, I say go unbleached linen, and let those fabulous lines lead the way!

Linda@ Lime in the Coconut said...

Oh...it's just hanging out in the foyer right now (that is the rug you see) might go in our room or library. See...I kinda just scooped it up without having a plan.

Isn't that breaking decorating rule # 137 or something?? Oy.

Blue Muse said...

ooo Linda, I LOVE that chair - and the fact that it's big butt wide hahaha - great for curling up in - it's gorgeous, gorgeous gorgeous. The first thing that came to my mind was a sunwashed muted velvet in sagey green or faded rust. Then I saw wide taupe and white striped raw silk... and then you could always do what I just did... I just slipcovered a sofa in painter's drop cloth fabric ... washed and dried with 25667654544 fabric sheets. It looks like very expensive linen... but so replaceable and easy to clean.
I seriously am in love with your chair.
xo Isa

Unknown said...

Hey my friend, sorry I haven't been around so much lately. So much on our plate that it was hard to know what end was up.

Hope all is well with you and I look forward to keeping up and catching up with you now as time permits.

Regarding that amazing find...I just gotta love ~ LOVE the bones! You have quite a find there and excited to see what you do with it. I had an art teacher that used to repeat over and over time and time again "light against dark and dark against light". Not that that helps in this situation.

Blessings - Debbie

Pat@Back Porch Musings said...

We just ordered a wing chair, like the wing chairs in the hearth room. The new chair is going in the white and beige very neutral master bedroom, we're working on right now. We love the hearth room chairs and this chair will be used by Mr J, most of the time, that's why we decided on another one, just like two we already have. Makes sense,doesn't it Linda?

Anyhoo...the finish of the wood is similar to the wood on that fantastic find of yours. I chose a burlappy sort of fabric, but a tad sturdier, hopefully. Low and behold...out of all the fabrics I could have chosen, this one is designer...so the wait for this chair is lengthy or I would show you the finished chair. However..this link, below,about the painted dresser, finished awhile back, has a photo of the fabric. That type/texture/color is what I thought of when I saw your 10 cent chair...cannot believe that price!!!


Laura Trevey said...

wow... love the detail on it!
literally for a dime?

what a find!!

Anonymous said...

LOVE the chair! I would go with a natural oatmeal colored linen:) and put an 8 x 24" printed pillow on it~

Black Zebra said...

What a nice ,chunky size for an armchair! Dude, I'm feeling Black at the moment,dunno... Painted Black and covered with some kind of botanical design( bamboo trees, pineapples) anything tropical,but with a colonial edge to it.....Great find!

Simple Daisy said...

I love the chair!! What a find! If it were my chair i'd paint it aqua blue and cover it in some fabulous Amy Butler fabric!!!

katiedid said...

What about a nice wide stripe down the center in a contrast color...make your own stripe...choose your own colors: ivory linen with a mango stripe down the middle (like a foot wide or so)....or like J. Covington suggestd, a french burlap with a lime green stripe....the combinations are endless.

I LOVE the chair....and my butt wuold fit in there nicely. ;)

Kate Riley said...

If it's color you seek my friend, you must check this out:


Beautiful chairs like yours made over in a totally fresh and modern way.

Pearl Maple said...

Oh what beautiful find!
The lines and shape is wonderful, you will have lots of fun with that.

How cool that your family is connected to the Redlands region, it really is quite lovely here on the beach today.

Karen Deborah said...

Love it just love it, really a dime? Do you think we would even dare breathe an idea to you the artiste fab extraordinaire? Nope buddy not on your life, you're on your own!

farmhouse wares said...

Hey Linda, I was so happy to hear from you today. What a great find here. I think an oatmeal linen would make it dreamy.

LuLo Designs/Blue Eyed Tango said...

Wow great suggestions here for you to ponder! I used to paint these kinds of chairs and my vote would be totally different.....a cool colored leather....since you live in a warm climate but I would have to see what room it's going in and the rest of your decor! Great find and have fun with it!

Yansy said...

The minute I saw it, I fell for it. I love the lines and as far as fabric goes, you have so many options. It all depends on what color you choose to paint the chair.

Cobalt Violet said...

Beautiful chair! Definitely like the two color idea. My Mother has a set of French chairs and did the backs a complimenting color and they look fantastic.

If you are looking for something burlappy, there are some beautiful hemp fabrics out there now. (Very different from the granola Birkenstock wearing hemp of yore.) They are really like a heavy linen and I think they are pretty sturdy.

Good luck!

Sixpence and A Blue Moon said...

What a beautiful chair, with so much charm and personality. I have this thing about refinishing things. I also buy things intending to refurbish them, but then I kinda have this feeling I am in some "odd" way betraying the original look. Go figure. I most often leave them as is - all ratty and ragged.:)

Whatever you decide to do with this chair, it will be beautiful!

Please show the after photos.


J - Pacha Mama said...

Please disregard all the snoring suggestions for neutrals - beige is for couches. But THAT chair could be a showstopper with a bright tropical color. Don't chicken out!

Lauren said...

wow it's just so beautiful...

oh a white linen or duck cloth would be gorgeous... although anythign you put on there would be gorgeous.... any colors would be beautiful too but i think the chair has so much going on & it's form is just perfect that white would be the way to go (if you can handle leeping it clean-- in my house we can't ;) and then your pillow could add a pop pf color when you neede it..
what a score linda!!!!!


C said...

i picture it to have bold colors like maybe turqouise/brown/deep purple.

what ever you decide, it will be gorgous. nice find! 10 cents, huh... can't beat that with a dead spoon!


Maya @ Completely Coastal said...

I see a rich purple, given that it's a color that is also in that carpet.

Julia said...

LOVE IT! Lucky girl!

I would cover it with a natural linen and then a fun pillow.

for the love of a house said...

No Way Jose!!! A DIME?!! Wow, you're good- you win!! Seriously, you should have a contest and see if anyone can top that purchase!! I love the chair! Love the finish and would love it in a natural linen!

for the love of a house said...

Dang, hit the button too soon!
I wanted to say, that while I love a natural linen, I did just have samples at the house of some gorgeous "color" linen! Some really delish ones that would make the chair pop, and would look great in your climate!
Can't wait to see what you decide!

The Blushing Hostess said...

I do not believe you found this thing, I am still stuck on that so cannot even think about the fabric, I am going over there right now!

kathi said...

Paint it lime green and add some cool tropical print fabric! Make it your own - don't copy anyone else! Beige is BORING!

Mary, M maison said...

A chocolate or natural linen would be nice. Also make the seat cushion a little more full.

Barbara Jacksier said...

I'd go with something green and white sort of lime and coconuty!

Chris said...

Are you kidding me? I love this! I also love how it's "big butt" wide! Linen...definitely linen. I just bought some pretty hideous looking ones similar to this beauty, and I'm leaning toward linen as well. What a find!

Chris said...

Me again. Look what I found...


I'm off to look at more!

Renée Finberg said...

i love this chair.
the finish is fab-oo !!

that was certainly a successful treasure hunt.
don't you love 'em ?


Unknown said...

2 words: Animal print

Ann said...

What a gorgeous find...
I love the carvings on it and I think something a bit darker would look great on it. Although of course where it will be placed must also be taken into consideration. But I'm pretty sure you'll do a good job on it:)

M maison said...

How about Imperial Trellis? There is some on sale at The Designer's Attic (blog) with a photo of a chair with it. Check it out

melifaif said...

Like, gorgeous wide! Love, love, love it! I have too many ideas, and I know whatever you decide, it will be glorious!!!! Have fun!

Linda@ Lime in the Coconut said...

Dayum....now my head is spinning!

You guys are good...all over the place...but good. Every one of ya's!

Ok...I do believe I'm going to go with a linen (slubby...maybe even a drop cloth...looked at feed sacks too which look quite cool) and then go wild and fresh and color with a long and skinny bolster pillow...maybe filled with buckwheat hulls and lavender. I may paint a big No. 5 on the inside back of the chair...or I may not.

...or more likely...I'll go back and read each of your suggestions and change my mind 112 times.

Yep. That's a plan, Stan.

Thanks...mighty big thanks to you all!!

Joyce said...

Oh Linda this is a steal of a chair! I love it!! With over 50 comments of wonderful ideas, I don't think you need another input (mine. I will be excited to see what you do with it. Do you know where it will be going and the colors in the room? xoxo

Kelly said...

I love the look of a oatmealy linen. Great blog you have here :o)

Ry @ Sotto Il Monte Vineyards said...

You get all the good deals! I'm voting for linen.


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