Given: We live in the tropics. Well subtropics. close.
Given: I have a ton of bananas which are looking sad. Well actually dead from our freeze
Given: I am ready for some color in our bathroom that has been void of color for a reason
Reason: Prior to re-doing it it was FULL of color
I liked the breathing space break.
old pic…but you get the drift.
So…with bananas on my mind…I keep coming back to this wallpaper
which I almost ordered 10 years ago for another tropical home.
It is a BIG pattern…an old Hollywood classic.
I’m wondering how it would do
wrapped up in my bath?
or am I just missing my ‘nanas?
It would be way too much for me:)
I think it's definitely a Florida classic but I like the way your bathroom looks right now!
ditto to simpledaisy's comment. I like the monastery look :)
I like the way it looks right now, but I'll admit I understand the need for a punch of color, design, etc! i added a link to your laundry room redo to the sidebar of my blog, you finally solved what I can do with my back door!
I LOVE your current bathroom! Love it, love it, love it. Did I mention that I love it? Whoa. Wow.
Maybe you can bring in some bold colors via a nice print or colored blinds/drapes over the window or some other small changes and see if that makes you feel better until your real bananas recover?
But, that's just me. I've never been big on wallpaper because I've always had so much art/carpets/stuff for the floors and walls that I didn't want anything competing with them for attention.
Of course, with your sense of style, no matter what you do will probably look great. By the way, I'd love to see more of the floor. Looks like there are some pebbles or a mosaic or something at the bottom left of the picture? Neat-o!
In my humble opinion, the only way the print could work in your current bathroom(fantastic bathroom BTW) is in the form of an artwork...Does it need to be wallpaper? It could be a textile design. Am also thinking storage boxes recrafted with the crazy print:D
But then, you being you, we're sure to love any of your make-over projects!
i love that wallpaper..have seen it featured in a shelter mag..I think it was this past summer... I just don't think it goes with your cabinet/sink...how's about a big clear vase with some acanthas leaves or whatever those are... and some art with pops of color..??
just my 2 cents.. and I think you miss your "nanas"! :)
Not one word of advice from me...just gonna sit back and enjoy watching it happen! **kisskiss** Deb
I love wallpaper, but I think you would absolutely love it at first, then grow to hate it and want your serene bath back. ==Delores
It would not fit in my home for sure, but for you in your home down there in the tropics... I think it would be incredible. Can't wait to see what you decide.
I'm biased - I actually thought about ordering some of it to frame as art in the baby nursery - sort of an ode to our current locale - alas, I wasn't that ambitious, but I DO love it!
I think it'll look fabulous with your vanity! And I'm pretty sure you'll style into even more fabulousness! Go for it!!
Yup, frame up some of that paper for artwork but don't do the whole thing. Too much.
You can even use a big galvanized florist's bucket to hold real banana leaves with a stalk of Bird of Paradise for color.
Your sink/cabinet is so fabulous but it is rustic and not Hollywood.
I know you will come up with something great just by looking at your banner on your blog. It is one of the nicest I have ever seen.
Thanks for stopping by my site today. It is always nice to meet someone new.
The wallpaper is bit a 'nanas" The pattern is very large and would take up a lot of color and space in a bathroom. It would feel like you were on a banana plantation.
Sounds very interesting and different than what you have now! We all love change, don't we?
if unsure why not frame your wall paper instead....you still get to use it and you will still get that tropical punch.......it just won't be bruise has heavily ?? xx
i LOVE it....
i say, go for it!
i think the plantation style vanity so suits the style of the paper... it would be bold and FABULOUS. plus, a small space is perfect for such a statement!
btw... where is the wallpaper from/ name of the style?
Oh, Beautiful, why not have a real banana tree in your bathroom??? With grow lights ... I say, real banana tree & Modge the leaves onto the wall!
Crazy for that sink and LOVE THE PAPER think it comes in beige also.
I think you are missing your nanners. How about a fun BOLD-ish color? Wallpaper dates sp easy...you COUD have those leaves PAINTED and then in a couple of years when you tire of it, paint it!
I think this, albeit, fun wallpaper would drown your GORGEOUS bath.
Put down the rolls and walk slowly, very slowly away from this perfect room....!!!!:)
i love this paper so much that i had it in my manhattan apt in the living room.
it was a beige on beige colorway.
i still love it and have used it on jobs down here.
I think you could just paint the mirror wall fuchsia or lime green to amp up the tropics.
I love that paper. I think living in a place like Florida its perfect. You could just do the main wall behind the vanity in paper if you think it would be over the top everywhere. But, I personally like over the top in bathrooms. You aren't in them that often so it's a place you can do something a little wild. Can't wait to see it.
If your worried it would be too much take a look at this wall paper... ttp://www.selectwallpaper.co.uk/store/cole-son/new-contemporary/cole-son-new-contemporary-palms-66-2010-/prod_7506.html
Go to http://www.shinebysho.com/catalog?style=brochure and flip through the lookbook until you see the bedroom with this wallpaper, I think it would lokk great in a bathroom!
Ooooh! I'm intrigued, go for it!
If you really want to see what it looks like, check out The Golden Girls tv show. Blanche used it in her bedroom.
Paris Hilton's mother is going to install it in her bathroom and Nate Berkus partner has it in his apartment in Milan. They say it looks good also in small spaces. Very classic and cool.
Completely awesome, especially because everything in your bath is brown so it would be brown/white/green! Love the idea!
I love this vintage looking Hollywood print....
but then that coming from me
can't get enough color, banana or otherwise...
Not sure about the banana wallpaper, but I can see where you want to do something with your bathroom. Don't get me wrong, it looks lovely now but seeing what you did with your laundry I think the bath needs your magic in there too! Can't wait to see! Cathy G
i love it too!
if the space is small-ish, you could just do one wall.
but if not why not?
ps i have some wallpaper like this but with a salmon background and it looks awesome. maybe i'll post it on my sidebar so you can see.
just so you can have even more fun thinking....
I am bananas over the bathroom photo and paper! xo
I'm sorry about the bananas! But I'm not sure if you should take it out on the bathroom..., just kidding. Seriously your bathroom look wonderful, and so does the wallpaper, really. But I'm completely lacking the vision how the room would look. I bet it'll be a tropical (or subtropical) paradise!
You know I have minimalist tendencies but your current bath is a bit TOO Zen, even for me. If it were mine I'd slap some bold paint up and call it good.
But this is YOU! You adore color and artwork and pattern! For you, I love *that* paper in *that* bathroom. I can see just using it on the vanity wall, though, and painting the remaining ones.
Might be a good way to transition from what you have now, too, because clearly SOMETHING about Zen Bath really appeals.
But if you want to wrap yourself up in that print, go for it!
It must be the matching paper to the vintage fabric I've seen.
Sometimes small rooms pop in every good way with a large pattern.
Someone needs to invent a wallpaper hologram projector. Just to try-it-on.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
I love wallpaper in bathrooms, especially a powder room They are like little jewel boxes and always a fun place to experiment. If the wallpaper seems like too much pattern/color, what about a really bright fixed roman shade on top of the wood blind and/or some colorful towels?
I've heard wallpaper is making a big comeback, or something.
I loved this bathroom at first sight Linda. It is simply perfection, just the way it is.
Oh, I just read Tara's comment. How about sliding some of that paper into an overhead projector, if you have access to one, without breaking the bank! That's a great idea. It would certainly give you the "feel" of how it would look.
i like the wallpaper but I agree with the others about making the banana leaves come in maybe with art. I do like it though, not sure about all over the walls.
i like your bathroom the way it is, really..but if you like it go for it...
Go for it Honey! I have loved ,loved loved that wallpaper for a while now, even thought of having it in my living room once.
I like the monastery look :)
Work from home India
Why don't you get a small amount of the wall paper then make it as frames of it in small doses in different areas of the bathroom? The it doesn't have too much everywhere and you get some wall hangies plus your nanas?
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