Monday, June 8, 2009

A beautiful place in the sun…

There is a community down the road…surrounded by world class Golf Courses…and the ocean…The river

equestrian trails…and tennis…

Windsor…developed by architects and planners Duany and Plater-Zyberk. It has some beautifully designed homes and spaces

Nancy, a local decorator, featured many of their homes on her yummy blog

My Decor Style.

Sooo I’m sharing a few with you…because I luv ya’s!


Just look at theses windows…that slide open…you could dip your

tootsies right into the pool…while sitting in your living room.




Tootsie dipping windows…

Come on now, admit it... wouldn't you love to sit on that ottoman

and just dip your toes...because you could?

or is it just me?


These pics are from some different homes…but check ‘em out here

all for sale!


I love this floor…and the inside outside feel.

It’s all about the sun here.

doncha know.


…And that table…

swoon worthy.


Indoor outdoor, man….The only way to live in these here parts.



Windsor….try it a little bit.


My Decor Style said...

Thanks for the shout out! Love your blog! Nancy

Deborah said...

**sighs** **swoons** I had a dream once about a pool just like that,right up to the house. Only in my dream, the pool was like a stormy sea...this one is much better.

Sixpence and A Blue Moon said...

Gee, so dreamy - I can't even imagine living this life. Living in one of these homes, one would be wrapped in pure luxury.

Linda, thanks for the nice vacation away from my reality. Hope your weekend was a nice one and you did only what you wanted to do. xox

Deborah, I've had a dream very much like yours, only it was the ocean and not a pool in my dream.

Pat@Back Porch Musings said...

Gorgeous post, Linda!!! What a fabulous place this must be!

Maya@Completely Coastal said...

I will so have a pool in my next home! I don't think I would ever buy a home on a barrier island though!

Mary said...

Bella, do take me away. Love your posts !

square kitchen said...

wonderful pics, wonderful blog, just start dreamin'

~ Lisa @ AbidingThere~ said...

I'd be doing a cannonball off that ottoman ;)

I love every single room you showed us. And I love that brick kitchen floor!

Suzann said...

YOWZA! Those are some amazing photos.

Simple Daisy said... gorgeous!! I especially love the image of the pool...I could hang out there all day and just dream!

Julie at Belle Vivir said...

Love it. I want to live there.

for the love of a house said...

Wow, that is one Stunning house!!

Denise Vakili Fine Art said...

Wow, this is beautiful. Makes me want to knock a wall out and build a pool. (And buy a new ottoman.)

Michelle said...

gasp !!!! geez not fair....too dream really !!!

dec0r8or said...

I'll take that house with the pool right up to the window! Love it! :)

Laura Trevey said...

Lovely as usual!
Your absolutely gorgeous blog is mentioned on Watercolors this morning!!

xo Laura

LuLo Designs/Blue Eyed Tango said...

Yes, I would try to dip my tootsies in the pool from that ottoman....but I wouldn't make it because of my 5'2" shorty legs! But it's very tempting anyway! LOL! Lovely rooms...all of them! Thanks for sharing and I love your blog! Luanne

anita said...

if i could...I happily everafter here.

if i had money to choose...
these would do just perfectly.
vero never ceases to amaze.

Ann said...

What a lovely house inside and outside. Ooh if I'm living there...there would so little time I would spend outside the premises.

Vicki ~ FL said...

Love your blog and thanks for visiting. Daughter lives on Melbourne Beach so next time we're over there I'll have to check out your botanical gardens.

Bridget said...

I'm swooning! This is my idea of heaven.

Debra Howard said...

You always give us stunning photos that make us want to be in the places you show. Great job.

Farmgirl Paints said...

Wow to have outdoor living like that...I can only imagine.

Ms. Tee said...

Oh wow, all of it, sooo swoon worthy!

Coconut Girl Connie said...

Coming to your blog is like going on vacation. Thank you for this wonderful photo journalism. The table, what is it made of? Just curious.

Joyce said...

I could see myself visiting this place for a day or two. Beautiful!

Lemonade Makin' Mama said...

Hi there!
thankyou for your sweet and encouraging comment on my blog yesterday. Children do change everthing and I so appreciate your words of love pertaining to my sweet son. That just means so much to me. We seldom hear much encouragement, and our support circle is quite small most of the time which I wish wasn't the case, but it's where God wants us... causes us to lean on Him a lot more!

Your blog is so lovely! I can see why Farmgirl Paints awarded yuo!!

I'll be back to visit again. These photos are dreamy. Makes me long for vacation...

Blessings to you today.

My Castle in Spain said...

i gladly admit that yes, i would love to lie down on this fabulous white ottoman and get up from to time to dip my toes into crystal clear water...
thank you for such virtual bliss!!

Adrienne @ Susan Palmer Designs said...

It's always interesting to see "beach houses" in other areas! Quite different from the "beach" houses we work on here in Hawaii!

Renée Finberg said...

this is really too wonderful!

do you think that kitchen has that huge opening onto the pool area so that your horsie can sit down & have coffee & croissant with you in the morning before your ride ????

you know i would LOVE that!

Anonymous said...

am dipping my toes, right now!

Dreamgirl said...

Oh my! I want.... I loved these homes. Especially that kitchen! Thanks for sharing. I have never been here before, but I'll be back!

I'm new in Blogworld, but I would appreciate a visit to my blogs: www.sweeterliving.blogspot, about all things sweet and beautiful and, about dream homes from all over.

Have a wonderful sunny weekend.
Greetings from Norway!

Lauren said...

so beautiful!!! i'd love to have that pool!!!!

Stephanie Clayton said...

innovative design feature, that window opening directly over the pool! i've never seen that. perfection!

Things That Inspire said...

What a gorgeous house - although, having the pool that close would be a bit too close for comfort for me!

Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings... said...

Soooo beautiful...Love water any way it's served up, Natural or pool, whatever. Must be wonderful to wake up in a place like that! Enjoyed surfing through your blog, xoxo~Kathy@ Sweet Up-North

Karen Deborah said...

that kitchen just makes my pots and pans rattle! I could do some serious cookin in there.
having the pool that close would be nice for a vacation, you know hurricane season? but yeah I would love to do it and I'd probably get that white furniture all dirty, because we are always outside.

The kitchen though, the kitchen is like soaring past my wildest dreams and the floor is stinkin spectacular!


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