Sunday, July 19, 2009

To find out where we are…where we have been…where the Heck we are going…

The old fashioned way

With Maps.

We have a few in our casa…

Our family room takes the brunt of it.

Some old and showing their age…

in a wise sort of way

maps 044

maps 060-1

Others new…and wordly.

at least 5 X4 feet…Ikea. Who knew?

maps 027-1

Others…I grew up with

and if I look closely can see the pen marks where I planned a 7 year olds journey

A 3-D of the Swiss Alps

map2 001-2

You always have to have at least a faint idea

of where you are going.

So say we…

In Sept we are off to Brazil and Argentina.



Joan@anythinggoeshere said...

What a fun trip that will be. I have a passion for old maps, old atlases, and old globes...I married a geography major, too.

anita said...

i love that you've had one since
so where did you dream of going?
and have you been there?

Pat@Back Porch Musings said...

I love the maps, Linda. J found an article, in a little lake paper,that told about large lake maps. I'd love to have one of those.

dec0r8or said...

I love your maps, too. I used to look through our giant family atlas as a kid. I'm thinking that IKEA map may have to come home with me the next time I'm there. :)

Linda@ Lime in the Coconut said...

Oh boy...I didn't even go into the globes which are practically in every room...and even MORE maps! We are junkies here too Joan!

Anita...That map was a 3D of the swiss alps which I remember traversing with my finger. We did live in Switzerland at the time...But, interestingly, Honeymooned in the alps too!

Pat...Love ocean and lake navigation maps too!

Sharon...GET IT! I cannot tell you how helpful it is when the news is can really see where the place i that the mention (particularly the stans!). Best buy ever! We used to have a much smaller one...Bigger is so much better to get a world view!

Renae Moore said...

I like maps too...whenever we are about to move somewhere, I get a map of the area and post where I can see it and get my bearings before I move there. Same before a trip...right now I have maps of the Georgia and South Carolina coasts where a girlfriend and I are going in a month or so. Have you been to Brazil before? I have never been...would be fun to go.
How fun for you!

Ry @ Sotto Il Monte Vineyards said...

Maps on the walls are so beautiful - I love the subtle colors. They work so well in your casa and must remind you daily of all the possibilities!

My Galveston Cottage said...

Love these!!!

vicki archer said...

v jealous about your forthcoming that is a good place to take a map, xv.

Joyce said...

Brazil and Argentina!! Do make room in your suitcase for me!! I love the maps. xoxo

for the love of a house said...

Love maps! And especially love the one you grew up with with all the red pins!! Too precious!

Your trip sounds wonderful! And the best part is we all get to go vicariously because you will show us your gorgeous pics! You will won't you?!!! ;)

Maria Killam said...

Maps truly make great large art statements in a house! Great images!

Deborah said...

How fun seeing more of your home. I love the maps and the coloring. The starvation diet is going will and I will definitely fit in your suitcase by September. See ya then!

J - Pacha Mama said...

i like collections that are equally practical & lovely, so i much enjoyed this post. i've long loved maps and globes - oceanographic ones being the best, but sold my tin globe collection many years ago due to moving into a 250 sq. foot studio at that time. now that i have my own house, i miss that collection :( i hope you that you share your world globe collection in another post.

Maya@Completely Coastal said...

Love the maps..., and the IKEA one is great who would have thought...

Julia @ Hooked on Houses said...

Brazil and Argentina? Wow! How exciting. Can't wait to see the photos and hear the stories about your trip when you get back!

Laura said...

Two of my most favorite places ever! In Argentina we stayed in a tango house, it was just the most fun. And Brazil...there are no words...I've never come across such natural beauty (even in the Alps!).

Laura Trevey said...

You are on my Thank You list today!
Have a super week ~~

xo Laura

Porchlight Interiors said...

Gorgeous images Linda - I just love old maps on the wall, they give such a sense of history and make you long to travel somewhere different! Tracey xx

Tamara Jansen said...

I never thought of an old map as such a wonderful accent picture. I really love that idea.....wonder if I could do that in our new office :)

Brenda Pruitt said...

I love maps. As a child I kept thinking I would dig my way to China!

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

Every tropical abode should be covered with old maps, don't you think?? Lovely!

Anonymous said...

Brazil and Argentina...fantastic!! I love the old school type wish I could have snagged a couple of those back in the day.

do you know I work with maps? Yes, of the GIS digital variety...

Ann said...

Your creative side flows through maps ... what a lovely way to showcase them.

Zuniga Interiors Design Studio said...

Love decorating with maps! Can't wait to see what photos you bring back from your trip!

Take Care!

Barbara said...

Linda, I saw on Sandra's list of her blogs, there was one with your name question is what happened to her? I am from Texas also and was preparing a list of Texas bloggers, but can't reach her.


LuLo Designs/Blue Eyed Tango said...

The maps are great! I'm a traveler at heart! Luanne

Farmgirl Paints said...

Cool! I love maps. I've seen some people decoupage them on their walls. That would be so fun.

alison giese Interiors said...

Please DO let me know if you happen into Brasiia!

Also...take great care while in Argentina - HUGE outbreaks of H1N1 down there - we all are on high alert.

Teacup Mosaics said...

Yeehaw happy for you have a wonderful time!!!

Anonymous said...

I love old maps, but I have run out of walls. Yours look fantastic and that trip sounds wonderfully romantic. Way to go Linda.

Ivy Lane said...

Brazil..AND!! that is gonna be an awesome trip! I love old Caribbean maps.. that's my fave place to go... we have a few..very interesting as history evolves!!

Anonymous said...

Lucky you :)!

Unknown said...

Linda, where did you find the beautiful glass, possibly handblown vase? I would love to find some similar. The clear hint of green goes so well with the muted colors of the map.

Sixpence and A Blue Moon said...

My kind of fun things to collect. Another globe just found a place to live in my house this week, and old maps, well...don't even know how many I have. They were so many at the flea markets in Europe that I could never pass up.

Beautiful, Linda! Thanks for sharing these beautiful pictures. xoxo

Linda@ Lime in the Coconut said...

Lizbet...The wine looking one is made in should be able to find it at TJMaxx...or Marshalls.


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