Saturday, July 24, 2010

…From the bottom of my heart

I would thank you from the bottom of my heart…

But for you, my heart has no bottom.

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I don’t know how to express my sincere and humble thanks to all of the warm and beautiful

emails and comments I received.

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We have been through a roller coaster of events with our son in the hospital.

He is home…and slowly healing…

and for that we are soooo so thankful.

Your prayers and thoughts and pure caring were felt…

sooo beautifully and warmly felt.

There will never be words that can come close...

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and I want to wrap my arms around the whole cyber lot of you!

Thank you.

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thank you.


Now back to decorating….. :) and visiting your beautiful blogs!


Anonymous said...

What a DELIGHT too have you back!!

I am so glad! My days have not been as lovely without you and worrying about you and your family!

I missed you and wish only the best for you and your family!

Anon Susan

Julia @ Hooked on Houses said...

I'm so glad to hear he's home. That's wonderful news!

Lisa Porter said...

My heart just jumped when I saw you came by. I have been worried sick as everyone has.
Oh Linda, I will continue to pray for a full recovery for your sweet boy & strength for you family.
You are such a dear and we all have missed you...and the wet nose too!
Love, Lisa

Linda@ Lime in the Coconut said...

Anon Susan...YOu,my dear, are a DELIGHT! {smooches}

Julia...warm thanks! (happy tears).

erin's art and gardens said...

i am sooo happy you are back!! i've been thinking of you and sending good vibes...hope your son gets better and better and better...

Rhonda Roo said...

Could you hear me exhaling over here?

WHEW. Thank goodness.
We love you!!!

Hugs back and good healthy healing vibes for your son! and you!

Now give pups his bizkit! :-)
XOXOX Happy Relieved Roo

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

So happy to see you have returned and to read that your son is safe at home. Wishing you all very well!

kj said...

so glad, so glad

Low Tide High Style said...

So glad to hear that your son is home and getting better! Life is full the unexpected and it's so good to have you back!

Kat :)

Kathysue said...

Linda I got so excited when I saw your post on my dashboard!!! I am sorry you have been going through such a hard time but I am verrrry glad to hear that your boy is on the mend. God bless your family and may he continue to give you the strength that you need to carry on!! He is always there to get us THROUGH IT ALL! Hugs Kathysue

Vix said...

Ms L --

I know I was among the many deeply worried, as you are not thrown by much.

So sorry to hear your son and family have been through the proverbial wringer, and so happy to hear he has improved. Continued good thoughts for you and yours.

BTW, I hear painting trim is a GREAT stress reliever....


for the love of a house said...

I don't know that I've ever been happier to see someone make a post! I am so thankful that your son is home and healing. You have been on my mind so much, in fact just this morning was talking to Dan about you!
Sending you a big hug!

dec0r8or said...

Oh my, Linda! I'm so sorry to hear that your son has been injured. I can't begin to imagine how scary and stressful that must have been/is. I'm glad he is home and on the mend, and that you can find a little peace in the world of blogging. We've been waiting patiently for your return! ♥

Cobalt Violet said...

So wonderful your son is home and healing.
Welcome back! :)

Melissa said...

SO good to have you back! My heart sank a little more each day when I checked and noticed you were still away. It's great to hear from you again. I'm so happy your son is home and recovering!

Jane said...

So glad to see you back...and that your son's health is improving. Continued prayers and good wishes are coming your way for your son and your family.

Jane (artfully graced)

Deborah said...

Dayum that's good news! Don't you just love the way we can actually FEEL prayers lifting us up, holding us. Still praying for healing and strength for the family. All my love, Deb

A Perfect Gray said...

wonderful news. hang in there and feel our love along the way...


My Galveston Cottage said...

I can't imagine what you've been through . . . but I'm so glad to hear it's improving. I'm placing all my positive energies on a Colorado breeze to move your way! my best, -susan

Renée Finberg said...

i am so happy things have turned out okay.

we were all praying for you and your loved ones.

glad to have you back my friend.

Anonymous said...

So happy that he is home and in your arms!!

continued love and support to you and your family...


Blue Muse said...

Linda, I had no idea. I'm thinking of you and sending you lots of love sweet love.

strength and love sister-friend. I'm off to email you. xo Isa

Julie@beingRUBY said...

Dear Linda
so sorry to hear your son has been in hospital [i've been absent from blogland and didn't realise]

I hope he continues to improve each day and that your world is bright and shiny again... I can only imagine what a rough time you have been having...

best wishes to you all.. xxx Julie

Concrete Jungle said...

Glad to have you back.... I was wondering where you had gone! Here's to a speedy and complete recovery of your 'baby' boy!

Day Dreaming And Decorating said...

Yay! I check everyday and to my surprise YOUR BACK! I wish your son a full and speedy recovering. Isn't nice to know you are missed.

Jules said...

Happy to have you back knowing that all is well in you world now.

Porchlight Interiors said...

Great to hear your son is doing better! All the best as the healing continues! Tracey xx

vicki archer said...

I am so happy that your son has turned the corner and he is home again....Thinking of you Linda, xv.

Ivy Lane said...

So glad you are back! and even happier for you all that your Son is on the mend. Prayers are still comin' your way and some big virtual HUGS!!

MB said...

Yeppy! That is such good news! I'm glad you're back too:)

Simple Daisy said...

So glad to hear he is home.
I wish you and your family the best.

rjerdee said...

Yay!!!! Hurray!!!
Linda, I am SOOOOOOO thrilled and relieved to see that you're back! Also thrilled and relieved that your family's tragedy has turned a corner and heading in a better direction. It must have been terrifying...I can only imagine.
We'll continue to send your healing son good vibes.

Acanthus and Acorn said...

A big sigh of relief that things sound like they will be ok.

Kerry said...

how lovely to see you once again appear in google reader! Gave me a little thrill. So glad everything is looking better for you all.

Anonymous said...

You have given us so much joy, only hope we can give you a big hug when you need it. Know that you are in our thoughts and hearts.

Wahzat Gayle said...

Oh so relieved that everything has turned around. Will continue to keep you and your family in my prayers.


LindsB said...

So glad to hear he is back home, still thinking of you at this time!

Karen Deborah said...

DAYUM! I didn't know what the problem was just that you were suffering. But God knew and I lifted you up to Him. I missed you.

Very impressive to train a dog to leave his biskit on his nose like that, or are you uber fast with your camera?

I have a puppy now.

donna baker said...

So glad to have you back as you've been sorely missed. Great news too. Love, Donna

Farmgirl Paints said...

I had no idea. I must have missed that post. I was wondering where you went. I thought maybe you were jetsetting. So sorry to hear it was your son! Praise God he is doing better. You were missed.

Janell @ House of Fifty said...

Glad to hear this good news, hang in there! Janell

Lauren said...

Linda- I'm so sorry I didn't write sooner. (I've been a bit mia and had not read) I am so happy to hear your son is home and is okay and will be praying for you all. a huge hug and all the warmth in the world,

anita said...

plain and simple - you were missed!!

so happy your loved one is home and healing

Maya @ Completely Coastal said...

Sorry, Linda, I haven't been aware...., just went back and read your previous post. I'm so glad to hear that all is better now!

Kelly@TearingUpHouses said...

Glad to hear he's better. Wishing your family the best.


katiedid said...

Oh Linda!
I can't even imagine what you must have been going through. I am so glad your son is on the mend and you are OK too.

Wishing you and your family all good things, and I will be thinking of you!

Renae Moore said...

Big warm hugs and lots of love and glad to hear from you and know things are moving forward.
with love....

~ Lisa @ AbidingThere~ said...

I am so relieved to hear something from you and to know everything's ok. I have thought of you so often and prayed each time you came to mind. Welcome back, friend. xo

Millie said...

I'm so relieved that you have your boy home with you, where he belongs. When it comes to a sick chick, a Mum has very special powers that no-one else has dear Linda. I'm sure he's feeling the impact of your TLC big time.
Millie ^_^

gertru said...

my best wishes for you
& kisses

sealaura said...

Hola AMiga!

So glad you are glad and that your son is recovering. you are very loved, and we are all so lucky to have you back.

Laura, Norman and Newman

Anonymous said...

I'm sending you a big virtual hug and all the best to your family. xoxo, Ally

savvycityfarmer said...

how are things honey ... been thinking and praying for your family ...

it's been two yerars since our fateful night ...
God is good

Jesa said...


stumbled on your blog, LOVELY!

cheers, Jesa :)

Velvet and Linen said...

Your family is in my prayers Linda.
I'm so glad your son is back home. As a Mom myself, I know how much we worry about our children. They are our life.
I will keep you and your family in my heart and prayers!


alison giese Interiors said...

So sorry I haven't been around to send my prayers to you and yours, but I understand the Lord doesn't count against tardiness.
Best to your family.
alison g.

somepinkflowers said...

just checking on things
over here

thoughts of healing

so on...

Beadboard UpCountry said...

So late in doing this Linda....I hope you and your son and family are on the up side of this tough and trying time..... You are all in our thoughts and prayers...Maryanne xo

Renae Moore said...

Just checking in on you....I hope your son is getting stronger each day.

maría cecilia said...

oh darling, I didn´t know... he will inmediately be in my daily prayers to be completely healed.

Ana Balbinot said...

Dear Linda,
I couldnt believe my eyes when I see you back! Im very, very happy for your son is getting better. Sorry my poor English, and I'm so excited that I almost forget the words. Wellcome back and our prayers will continue.


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