Thursday, July 8, 2010

Finding grace…


Sometimes life hammers with a jackhammer. Sometimes it shifts the concrete and the foundation that you know.

Sometimes just sometimes you need to stop. To adjust the lenses. To take a breath.

Today our family is in need of hope…and prayers…and thoughts…and strength…and peace

…and grace.

I’ll be back…sometime…maybe soon.

but for now, most importantly, I need to focus on family.

Thank so much.


Rhonda Roo said...

Oh, lovely. :(
What can I say?
Lots of good juju and vibes and love~love~love to you and your family.

A Perfect Gray said...

hope all is well. until you're back, we are sending best wishes and thinking of you and your family.

love to you, Donna

Kathysue said...

Linda, I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. Good thoughts coming your way, just take care of yourself and your family, we will all be here when you need us or you need to blog, Kathysue

for the love of a house said...

oh Linda...
my heart, my thoughts, my prayers are with you my dear, dear friend.
may you and your family feel the strength, love, and hope that is being sent to you.
wishing you peace.

love always,

erin's art and gardens said...

hope and prayers your way, sweety.

Drawn to The Sea said...

Sending good thoughts into the universe for you. Take care of each other.

Janell @ House of Fifty said...

My thoughts are with you and your family...Janell

Jane said...

Take a deep breath... Hope, thoughts and prayers are heading your way.
I pray that you will find the strength, the peace that surpasses all understanding, and the grace to carry you through this time as you focus on what's important...

we'll be here...

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Cobalt Violet said...

Blessings and light to you and your family!
Sending good thoughts and prayers your way.

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

Thinking of you and wishing you well.

Kate Riley said...

Lots of prayers for peace for you and your family coming from me. Take your time, heal, do what is necessary. You are always in my reader . . .looking forward to your return.
Big xoxo

kj said...

oh linda, how scary and sad. i am so sorry. if your family is anything like you, i know you will have good people to share with and lean on, as they will you.

don't forget the colors, linda. they are still there.


donna baker said...

Though you have me worried Linda, I send you all the peace and hope and good things and wishes for comfort and strength. Remember to look for the silver lining. It's always there.

Kathi said...

Hope all will be better soon. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Pat@Back Porch Musings said...

Linda, I am so sorry to hear this. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family, dear friend!

somepinkflowers said...

for everything you need
for anything you need

at you
and yours

from north florida

zooming down to your heart

tons of strength

Melissa said...

Sending you lots of good and positive thoughts and prayers. I hope everything turns out OK and that you're back soon!

Barbara said...

I know and understand.
I'll miss you, when I just discovered you!
Hope everyone is in good health!

dec0r8or said...

You have me worried, Linda, but you're of course entitled to your privacy in hard times. We're all out here cheering for you, and sending you the strength to endure. Take care of you and yours, and come back when you're ready. <3

Acanthus and Acorn said...

I am sending you good thoughts and prayers your way.

We'll all be here when you get back!

Ivy Lane said...

Linda... Prayers coming your way and virtual hugs for comfort... candle will be lit... keep the faith..and we are ALLLLLLL here for you and your family....

Jessica said...


Simple Daisy said...

Sending best wishes to you and your family. Take care of each other.

Karen Deborah said...

Linda I CAN RELATE! whew sorry. Do I need to shed some tears for you? I'm up to the task if I do.
Prayers going up.

Maya @ Completely Coastal said...

Best wishes, dear Linda!!

Anonymous said...

I have been worried about you lately for some reason.
I wish you only peace, love, health and happiness. PLEASE know that many are thinking of you. Be strong whatever it is!! You give so much on this wonderful blog of yours and I KNOW it will be returned through all of our thoughts and prayers.

Anon Susan

rjerdee said...

I've been thinking about you a lot lately, wondering where you are. Thanks for showing up and letting us know how you are...keeping you in my thoughts and prayers...and we'll still be here whenever you get back. Now worries on this end, dear. Take care of your family first.

Nikki said...

Sending some sugar your way. We'll be here when you can come back!

Lisa Porter said...

Sending you prayers & positive thoughts.
xo Lisa

Renae Moore said...

Take all the time you need to breathe and heal. My prayers are with you and my the peace of the Lord be upon you.

Deborah said...

Lifting you in prayer, never ceasing. I have you on my prayer list, my friend. Abundant blessings coming your way. Sending you all my love on the wings of a desert sparrow, Deb

michiganhome said...

Dear one,
Just wanted to say your title is true. If you know what you are looking for, you will find it, because you are conscious of it. Believe it to be true. God is Grace. Be positive. Be strong.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I am keeping your family in my prayers. Take care and God bless you through the trouble you are facing. Hugs! ♥

Renée Finberg said...

my love and thoughts are with you.
whatever it is ...
i said a prayer for you and your family.

Cher' Shots said...

When life gets you down; look up! We'll be waiting in the sidelines for your return. I respect your line of priorities, putting family first.

Mary said...

Look at this incredible army you have behind you ....I, too, have been away - but will always have your back. A candle lit for you and yours...always

Sally@DivineDistractions said...

You have lots of good people in your corner, and prayers going up for all good things to come to you. Take care.

Low Tide High Style said...

I hope you and your family will weather the storm and find calm seas very soon!


sealaura said...

Hi Linda,

Will be sending good thoughts your way. Take your time, we will all be waiting for you.

Sending you our love and licks from the vanilla wafers.

C said...

whatever is going on i pray that god gives you all comfort, and blessings and the strength for whatever lies in the near future.


Julia @ Hooked on Houses said...

Sorry to hear life has been hitting you with a jackhammer, Linda! Sending hugs and prayers and hopes that you'll have the peace and grace you need.

MB said...

I'm sending you lots of prayers and good thoughts from across the pond. Hang in there lady:)

Vix said...

Linda --

So sorry to hear your news. Wishing your and yours strength and peace during this difficult time.

Tara Dillard said...

Prayers for you as you find grace.

Grace is always there, whether you know it, or not.

Something I have to learn daily.

Garden & Be Well, XO Tara

Cynthia's Botanical Arts said...

You have brought delightful moments into my life. I will add my prayers for you and you family...and thank you for those delightful moments. Maybe, just checking in on other blogs will lift your spirits for a while. Peace, Prayers, Grace, Hugs and much love.

Wahzat Gayle said...

sending positive vibes and prayers your way

Anonymous said...

Linda, You do just that now and attend to your family. Be strong and I hold you in my prayers too.
Lieve groeten
Godeliva van Ariadone

Linda Lou said...

Thinking good thoughts for you and your family Linda-prayers too-take care till the next time!

gertru said...

my best wishes for you and your family

Ana Balbinot said...

Dear Linda,
I will be waitting for you, praying for you and sending to you all positive thoughts and warm, and comfort...Hope you come back soon, happy and with all the problems well solved.

D. Jean Quarles said...

You are in my thoughts and prayers. Be well.

Karen@Mignardise said...

Just now reading this...hope things are going in the right direction. Thinking of you and your family, sending positive thought your way.

Anonymous said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Mango Gal said...

Hope all is well soon, best wishes to you and your family!

SarahWhite said...


Holding you and your family in my prayers...take care sweet friend.


Beadboard UpCountry said...

Good for you!!!I loved the picture.
Miss Linda Lime in the Coconut it is not how often your post but the quality and fun.Your posts are always line having an umbrella drink on the beach....Maryanne Enjoy!!!!:)

Amber Cargile said...

Linda, whatever you're facing, please know that many love and care about you. Wishing you and yours much love and happiness.

anita said...

quietly, i bow my head and send you love and strength

Black Zebra said...

Sending out tonnes of love all the way from London...will always keep you in my thoughts when I meditate, take care.

Day Dreaming And Decorating said...

Sending Good thoughts and positive outlook your way

Rebecca said...

You are in my thoughts. Grace and comfort to you and your family.


Anonymous said...

Take all the time you need.

La Petite Gallery said...

Sending my best wishes
to you and family.


for the love of a house said...

Wanted you to know you are still in my thoughts and prayers....

~ Lisa @ AbidingThere~ said...

Linda, I am praying for you and your family. You will be safe in His arms. xoxo Lisa

Ivy Lane said...

Linda.. wanted you to know.. you are your family are still in my thoughts and prayers. hope you are all doing okay.......

anita said...

peace, comfort, strength..

Renae Moore said...

Still praying....

Lorrie said...

No good vibes, good thoughts...just prayers to the Almighty God that you have peace and strength in this time of your life. Let The Lord wash over you to make the right decisions, to speak and act purposely and to do whatever it takes to focus on your family.

Thank you for taking the time to concentrate on your family. We'll still be here.


Ivy Lane said...

More prayers your way Linda...

michelled said...

Life will bring you lemons sometimes.
Tell life to go take a hike and enjoy some limes in a coconut instead.
Strength to you.

Wileysmom said...

Linda, whatever your family is facing know that good thoughts and prayers for healing and peace are coming your way. Hugs, girlie!

My Notting Hill said...

I'll be thinking of you and your family and praying that all will be well.

Sniff said...

Hope all is well with you and your family. Sending lots of positive thoughts your way.

La Petite Gallery said...

I will be thinking of you and hope all goes well.


~ Lisa @ AbidingThere~ said...

Still have you on my mind. Praying . . . xo

Real Kimsy said...

Linda - your blog is the highlight of my (work) day... I look forward to your beautiful photos and your wit - I love it, and I will miss it - take time to heal... take all the time you need. You have loads of support - and that is the best.

Unknown said...

Good thoughts your way, hope things are better!!! Hang in there:-)

A Perfect Gray said...

checking back in again with you...hope all is well...

all our love and thoughts..


Ivy Lane said...

Linda.. still here..still praying for you and yours.... virtual hugs too!

Kelley said...

Linda, I am so saddened to hear that things are not as they should be. You will get through this, that I know and believe.

Saying a prayer and sending a warm hug.

~ kelley

Anonymous said...

oh Linda,
I just happened upon this post...all my thoughts are with you and your family.


Deborah said...

Hey Linda, ♥♥♥ Just sayin....
Love, Deb

Rhonda Roo said...

man oh man I'm worried about you.
Love`Love~love some are missed much and prayed for daily!

Ivy Lane said...

Linda.. Still huggin' and prayin' for you and yours!

Fargerike Dagny said...

Thinking of you, Linda. Hope everything is well.

We're missing you!


Eloise said...

Thinking of you, Linda. Hope all is looking up in your world. Sending lots of hugs, prayers and love your way.

Tamara Jansen said...

I hope that your son is healed and healthy really soon!


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