Sunday, March 13, 2011

Continuing on…



Keizoku wa chikara nari

Continuance is power/strength.


Don't give up. Just continuing to hold on will reveal strength and power. Continuing on

after a setback is its own kind of strength.

Perseverance is power.

~Japanese Proverb

Godspeed Japan.

Image: Eric Rousset


Susan said...

lovely post. My thoughts exactly. What those people are going through is too much to even imagine.

Julie at Belle Vivir said...

Beautiful quote. It embraces the secrete for success.

I hope you enjoyed your weekend.

Willow Decor said...

Wonderful post - I echo your thoughts - Many prayers for Japan.
xxx Gina

somepinkflowers said...

perfect quote...

{{ have you thought,
missy lime-in
what would happen to you
if the atlantic ocean rolled
3 miles


i cannot get the picture
of that huge wave rolling
over the japanese land...

i am at sea level here,
less than 2 miles inward...

{{ PS--we have been having
wild fires up here near my house
which has closed I-95...
i am going to work in my garden
all day
& pray for peace
with Mother Nature }}

Bárbara said...

Beautiful! My husband's family is from Japan, his aunt used to live only 30 feet from the beach in Ishinomaki, near from Sendai. We all hope she's ok...

I'm in love with your blog. And I loved your photos from Paraty - I'm brazilian and had been there last year. Such lovely place! (but so hard to walk and contemplate the view at the same time... hehe)


Sally Tharpe Rowles said...

I share the sentiments ... thank you for putting it so beautifully!

Melissa said...

Lovely post. I am still speechless when I see the videos coming out of Japan. Absolutely heartbreaking.

Ivy Lane said...

Thank you for posting this... Prayers to the people of Japan....

kj said...

linda, this is the perfect prayer.

thank you


Kathi said...

Beautiful post. Amen.

Desert Dreaming said...



anita said...

beautiful post linda

Karen Deborah said...

Having been through a big earthquake that was only 6.2 I cannot even begin to fathom what these poor people are going through. Absolutely catastrophic! The news never gets the after shock thing right. The ground moves constantly. Your nerves get more fried from them. I saw where the news was reporting how the media had descended onto Japan. I felt like blowing raspberries! They need REAL help not reporters from the entire world. This is horrible. Now the nuclear spills, it is an unbelievable nightmare. Unbelievable.

I do like your tribute.

D. Jean Quarles said...

So lovely. Such a sweet and simple prayer.

Anonymous said...

Really beautiful post. Such a tragedy.
Have a great week.


Well said. It's been hard to focus on things here with what is happening in Japan. Thanks for this post.

Julie said...


Lila said...

Lila Ferraro

Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous photo...and beautiful quote.

we all watch and send our communal thoughts and prayers.


Anonymous said...

Our Lady of Akita please help your poor Japan. Tiffany

Deborah said...

Oh so lovely. Prayers rising with the prayers of others, twisting and spiraling and becoming one, to The One who knows all needs. ♥♥♥ Deb

Cobalt Violet said...

Beautiful Linda.
Prayers and healing ...
Bless them.

Simple Daisy said...

Lovely...Lovely post! Thank you for sharing!

lilabraga said...

love the post today!
I can not think of a race with more survival will than Japan; look at the event of the second world war!
This sad event will make them stronger in the long run.


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