Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Stealing peace…

For just a tiny moment.

beach 029

...during a morning walk on a salty beach.

beach 027

Fall gently and quietly rolls in to Florida.

beach 018

Sit in reverie and watch the changing color of the waves
that break upon the idle seashore of the mind.

~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

An inspiring day to all.

Find more outdoor inspiration here


Deborah said...

Oh Linda, beautiful photos. But I must tell you, if that amazing silhouette is you, I'm gonna have to dump you...I just can't take that kind of pressure!!! **blows kisses** Deb

Linda@ Lime in the Coconut said... can hang on to me, Deb. That is a friend I caught...quietly contemplating.

penny said...

Beautiful views of the sea and there's no way better to steal a peaceful moment than standing in the sand and letting your imagination sore...

Ginny said...

Man, you're fast!!!

Ginny said...

Man, you're fast!!!

La Maison Fou said...

Wish I was there! I just love the beach, & I bet it is even better in the Fall & Winter!
So pretty ....

Farmgirl Paints said...

Beautiful pictures. I so want to be there with you walking on the beach! What a wonderful blessing you get to experience whenever you want:)

beachy keen girl said...

oh, i could look at the beach all day! gorgeous.

Ry @ Sotto Il Monte Vineyards said...

Toes in the sand - if only I were there right now! Instead I have to toil away at work! Glad you have it right outside your door At least the rest of us get to view it through your eyes.

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Linda, this is a gorgeous post, and the quote you chose is perfect. I love being here.

My post has a little more human activity, but it's still fall in Florida...

Happy OW to you!

Sheila :-)

Ivy Lane said...

Ahhh.... I come here often for a visit to your beautiful garden and now for a walk on your beach!! Thanks for the "moment"!

Laura said...

Are you kidding me? Obscenely beautiful. makes me wish I lived in Florida!

Mary Bergfeld said...

Linda, these are uniquely beautiful photos. Thank you for sharing them with us. Have a wonderful Outdoor Wednesday.

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

Oh gee. Can't it be longer than just a moment??

Mango Gal said...

beautiful photos, exactly what I needed today, thanks!

Zuniga Interiors Design Studio said...


What a lovely posy- we all need some peace & tranquility sometimes...

Have a beautiful day!


Zuniga Interiors Design Studio said...

Linda- oops meant to say post!
excuse the faulty spelling on my part!

Shorely Chic said...

ah that was absolutely beautiful! Thank you for that :)

Maya@Completely Coastal said...

Gorgeous photographs, Linda!

C said...

ohmygod what beautiful photos... did you take them yourself? even into fall, the beach reckons me, as always i am drawn to water.


Pat@Back Porch Musings said...

Gorgeous post, Linda!!

farmhouse wares said...

I can smell the salty air. Wish I was there.

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

Loving these photos...thanks for sharing...

Angie Seaman said... these shots. Just stumbled upon your blog via Eloise's blog. Love the FL beach shots. We are Hoosiers (Indiana) but getting ready to make a full time move to Naples, FL on November 22nd. We've vacationed there for 10 years but are now packing our family of four up and moving there for good. It's exciting and emotional for us all at the same time. What part of FL do you reside in? Any part is a good part. Ha ha! I am also a photographer so you will find many beach shots on both of my blogs. Thus why I loved your images when I first logged on here. Thanks for sharing that slice of heaven. I can't wait to become a Floridian in two more weeks. :)

Blessings, Angie

savvycityfarmer said...

makes me wanna move real soon!

Renée Finberg said...

unreal shots. sure can't beat fla for the beaches.


My Slice of Heaven said...
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My Slice of Heaven said...

Your pictures are so pretty and I wish my morning walk was half as beautiful. Anita

Drawn to The Sea said...

Mercy, that is one gorgeous spot... you've transported me... for a tiny moment :-)


Yansy said...

Amazing photos, they make me proud to be a Floridian. Sorry I've been MIA for the last couple of weeks. Guess what? I just got engaged.

Porchlight Interiors said...

Beautiful pics! The beach is perfect any time of year! Tracey xx

Barbara Jacksier said...

Beautiful views and you look FABULOUS dahling.

Joyce said...

Ohhh Linda with my aching body, headache, fever- simply the flu this view is calling my name! xoxo

The Summer Kitchen Girls said...

How different Fall looks from one end of the country to the other! Beautiful pictures!
Karla & Karrie

Simple Daisy said...

Ooh...I can smell the salty ocean air!! To me that is the best smell in the world!! Great photos....thanks for sharing! :)

Sarah Lulu said...

You have an award today on my blog.

Your blog delights me so much. xx

Renée Finberg said...

congratz on your award over at
willow decor.


Anonymous said...

nothing like it...just beautiful.

Renae Moore said...

Linda, there is no place better than the beach. It is my favortie place to be. Great words, fab imiages.

Linda Lou said...

Beautiful view of the ocean, there really isn't anything more peaceful and serene than that view in my world!

Chris said...

These are the moments where I wonder if I love coming here because you offer such a great escape for me, or if I hate coming here because I'm SO envious of what you get to see all the time! :)

Sarah said...

What a beautiful post! Thank you for sharing both the incredible photos and the beautiful text. ~ Sarah

kathi said...

Beautiful photos Linda! Would you mind if I used the one of the sky with the pelicans on my blog?
I LOVE it!
Thanks, Kathi


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