Thursday, November 19, 2009

They came…they shot…they left. Photo shoot part II

…And now life goes back to normal.

Who am I kidding…Normal is a city in Illinois.

Life goes back to… the way it was. Perfect all the same.


The kidlets came out of hiding. Those that were home stayed away…far away… and would come around only when the gang left…with that look of are they gone now?

And yes they can brush and spit and shower to their hearts content.

Bo... the big black dog is exhausted…tough job to weave your 175 lb body between the photographers tri-pods and several thousand dollars of cameras and lenses.

I still cringe.

But… someone needed to direct this shoot

for Heaven’s sakes.


conferring on the correct angle.

I knew when I saw Gene Pollux... the photographer rolling on the ground playing with the dog …that I liked him.

Shots would be broken up by a loud barking

And it wasn’t the dog…it was the photographer.

They bonded…what can I say.

What a process…Phew...who knew that one shot could literally take 2 hours.And the whole process two FULL days!

I loved watching the set up… taking turns looking behind the thousand dollar lens…

lens envy. still.


Then running back to the computer to warp it and weave it and triple check

and work their magic


Let me tell you… you haven’t lived until you see your bathroom grout blown up 100 times…and realize that it is not the same color as it used to be…and you can almost see the faces on the mildew family waving back at you


Gene’s wife Simone was his assistant…and a more able one you never saw.



She is actually holding a chain out of the way of the shot…and practicing her "so you think you can dance" contemporary routine. really.

an amazing multi tasker!

What a warm and friendly couple they were. The whole team made the experience that much more wonderful and injected with FUN!

But some things…

plug your ears poor pitiful key lime chandy

just didn’t make the cut....



That would be Grandma B and Simone…and a ladder on the table… holding the kicking and screaming

key lime brancholier out of the way of a shot.

You just can’t take the diva out of the chandy…tsk tsk…

The writer/stylist Becky Jerdee had such an eye for detail…and fascinatingly always kept the reader foremost in her mind

“They want to see how it fits together….they won’t like that they can’t find this…oooh they’ll like this”


a consummate professional…and talented…Oooooo is she ever talented

she left me with a couple of the design books she wrote . Love!

So…the scoop.

They were here to capture images for three separate stories for Meredith Magazines

Better Homes and Gardens Kitchen and Bath makeovers.

They liked that we did most of the work ourselves...they just didn't know they would get the bonus of the grout family.

lucky them.

No clue when They'll be out.

...and does anyone have a recipe for pomegranates

I own seven now


and a few other goodies left over from the shoot…


Yeah me.

Thanks for the opportunity Meredith!

Thanks for the fun... photo shoot gang.

Count your lenses Gene.

Just sayin'.


Lauren said...

Oh Linda I'm just SO excited for you!!!! congratulations & i CAN'T WAIT TILL IT COMES OUT!!! (SO not surprised - your house belongs in magazines!! :)

Pat@Back Porch Musings said...

I go away to the hills and hollers of my "homeland" and this happens!!! I need to do some catchin' up, Linda!

Of course, I always knew from long ago, your gorgeous home was meant for publication.

Mrs. Limestone said...

so exciting! You shouldn't be surprised at all - your house is gorgeous. Magazines should be fighting among each other to get your house in it!

Chris said...

WHA? This is so cool! I loved all your "behind the scenes" shots. I always wonder how that stuff works. Please let us know when it comes out. Can't wait!

P.S. Have I missed pictures of your kitchen? I think I need to do some investigating...

My Notting Hill said...

Congratulations! That is so exciting. You had be cracking up w/the comment about the mildew family waving back!

My Notting Hill said...

oops - I meant had Me cracking up. Great post!

for the love of a house said...

OMG!!! I'm still jumping up and down from the last post! This is tres cool and fabulous. Can NOT wait to see photos of your wonderful home! (and I did notice how you cleverly edited yourself out of the photos! nice work for the witness protection program you're in;) Do we need to get Bo an 'agent' now? I'm thinking the animal channel will be calling!!
hugs Linda!

Mango Gal said...

Ahhhh! So happy for you! They photos are going to turn out awesome because your home is absolutely beautiful!

Maya @ Completely Coastal said...

What a fun experience this must have been! Your home on the rise to fame!!

Deborah said...

OMGosh, I adore your sense of humor! The grout family! HA! How exciting for you, Linda. Yes, your home DOES belong in magazines. Do let us know when they come out, please and thank you. ♥ ♥ ♥ Deb

christy said...

AWESOME! It's about time though that somebody shot your house Linda. It is one great casa! Congrats. Please post the details, I definitely want a copy! :)

Melissa said...

That is just so exciting! I can't wait to see the pics when the magazines come out. I'm really looking forward to meeting your grout mildew family. Maybe they can be penpals with mine!

Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings... said...

How wonderful ...congratulations to you, your home and the Grout family!!!! can't wait to see!!!!! xoxo~Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings...

anita said...

fun as always,
linda your home is notable enough for a photo shoot and your talking grout family!
thats why we love ya!

Visual Vamp said...

Super Star!
Love you!
Will you still talk to the little people?
xo xo

a quiet life said...

oh how FUN! i loved your play by play action, cracked up with the dog and mildew family :-)

can't wait for you to hit the stands, and to think we knew you when...

~your humble follower~

ps make a pom cheesecake, put in champagne and toast your success, make a salad, or chutney, make a sauce and drizzle over ice cream and cake, blah blah blah!

somepinkflowers said...

this is really so cool!


i am so happy you had
such fun
with it

{{ love how you tried
2 make
the bathroom
off limits!! }}

Joyce said...

Oooh Linda I'm so happy they found their way to your door step. I can't wait to the magazine comes out. Keep us posted. xo

Vix said...

My only question is...what took them so long to find you?

Congrats on the well-deserved recognition! God knows you all have put in long, hard years to earn it...and how exciting that you'll soon be inspiring untold Meredith/B&G readers!

Jenny said...

What fun adventure this must have been for you? I think it is awesome.

rjerdee said...

Thanks, Linda, for adding me to your faves under ART (of all things!) It's such a be considered an artist! Styling your three magazine stories was an absolute joy; you are an incredible human being and I totally loved your self deprecating 'tude and helpful ideas. You are an artist when it comes to decorating your home and garden as well as creating artful blogs...I've learned so much from you. I hope to return to your home for other reasons--if the kidlets will allow!

Anonymous said...

Amazing & sooooo lovely collage!!


My Galveston Cottage said...

Oh, I missed part one where, i guess, you told what magazine was do the shooting. (I work for Meredith...) I suppose it was both fun and hectic. I look forward to seeing your place in print. (check out my give away! see ya -susan

Julia @ Hooked on Houses said...

It's so fun to get a glimpse behind the scenes of a photo shoot! Very exciting.

gertru said...

I really like your "casa" & your dog ;). Hugs & kisses

welltraveled said...

I am a LURKER ...I live 6 months a year just south of you on the barrier island and am LOVING your blog..Thank you

Anonymous said...

Linda this is just wonderful. Wow, it really does not surprise me that your home will soon grace the pages of some pretty cool magazines. You have such a Floridian flare, and a neato personality to boot. I am utterly delighted for you.

Pearl Maple said...

How exciting but finding it really interesting to see your behind the scenes view of the activities complete with dogs.

katiedid said...

SO, So, so great!!!!! I can hardly wait to see it all in print. A more deserving gal I cannot think of. And what a perfect furry assistant you have.

Maria Killam said...

You are so funny! You can make pomegranate juice? I hear it's really good for you! So impressive that you will be in 3 magazines!! How can I be you??

Maria Killam said...

You are so funny! You can make pomegranate juice? I hear it's really good for you! So impressive that you will be in 3 magazines!! How can I be you??

Blue Muse said...

I have clearly missed out on SO MUCH this week!!!! I am so not surprised that your home is being photographed - from the snippets I see, I have loved your casa from afar for a long time! This is so exciting and I can't wait to see it all in print!!
xo Isa

Atticmag said...

Linda your sense of humor is priceless. Looking forward to seeing the print version of the shoot. If they were smart, they would include a few quips from you :D
Jane T.

Renée Finberg said...

how cool are you !!!!!!!!
this looked like a blast.

Lisa Porter said...

How much fun is this!!! How exhausting & exciting. Looking forward to the big pics in THREE magazines. That Bo is a handsome boy...I think he sould be in pictures!

Anonymous said...

So! Of course they would want to shoot your amazing home! You will let us know when it hits the news stand...

All of YOUR shots look fab, so cannot even imagine what the magazine shots look like.

woo hoo!

prashant said...

your house is gorgeous. Magazines should be fighting among each other to get your house in it!

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Fifi Flowers said...

How EXCITING!! I had the same thing happen a year ago... unfortunately they never made it into a magazine... I hope your s get into a magazine!!!

Nishant said...

Of course, I always knew from long ago, your gorgeous home was meant for publication.

Work from home India

prashant said...

I always knew from long ago, your gorgeous home was meant for publication.

Work From Home

cotedetexas said...

Can't wait to see the finished article!! Congratulations!!!


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