Sunday, May 2, 2010


… I am

trying to figure out how to fit everything I want in the Living room…then paint.

Honestly…I will offer anyone a dollar who helps me figure it out

a dollar people…

I won’t even ask you to wash the windows.

I’m waiting for the deluge of emails…and calls as I write



…Working on re-upholstering a chair…finding it not quite as simple as it seems this time…

and it needing more fabric than I thought…

Dayum chair




Cleaning out the garage… Not because I want to…

but because the freezer decided to expire…full of frozen- turned to mush food…

yeuuuck...and leaking out of said fridge.

Thank goodness for the help of my Mom who came over armed with gloves and shoes...

although she would have rather been at the beach…really? Why?? Can't imagine.

…and a leetle bit O’ help from some teenage people…

that happen to live here.


Not my garage…but COULD be…threw it in for your visual pleasure

you’re welcome.

My Hubby seems to be on the other side of the planet…above Iran…near Iraq…

....and just informed me he lost his phone…and credit cards


What was I NOT doing…

NOT relaxing in the pool…like some …


I call a do-over.



Farmgirl Paints said...

Oh doesn't sound like a nice relaxing weekend. I'm sure your chair and living room redo will turn out marvelous! I have alot of faith in you:)

A Perfect Gray said...

o, you have the best attitude about all this...I think I would have cried all day....tomorrow will be better, I promise!

ashlina {the decorista} said...

you are such a rockstar man! you inspire me so much! i am all about that pool time. live it up!!! :)

Julie@beingRUBY said...

Good luck with it all.. the garage image sure does conjure up memories of home... I too would rather be in the pool.. I say bribe the teenagers...

D. Jean Quarles said...

What a weekend. I agree not fair. But you seemed to stay calm. This too will pass.

Simple Daisy said...

I know how you feel!!!
But I am sure it will all turn out just great:)

Sally@DivineDistractions said...

Oooh.. bad juju for you! I know you're going to feel so much better when it's all complete. I have a few project that I'm doing a good job of putting off. Check out my post and see what my weekend looked like????

Ivy Lane said...

Yikes...where's that damned "easy button" when you need it most?!!!

Anonymous said...

oh fun, thank goodness you had help and I hope you find your way to that pool...soon.

Unknown said...

That chair would like to move to my house :) xx

Tonia Hobbs said...

Celebrate the chair. Forget the garage. Cry over the ruined food. Go to the pool. Have a great week!

Jessica said...

Oh man : ( It will all turn out okay, I am sure of it. When you are finally relaxing in that pool you will REALLY enjoy it!

Nikki said...

I your black paned windows!

Angie said...

HA!! Do over please!! ;)

Lauren said...

oh Linda- I'm sending huge hugs your way.

The Red Umbrella said...

That garage looks clean to me!

Jane said...

Not the best weekend...but not the worst. Lost phone and credit cards? Yikes! That makes for an interesting time overseas... Garage...looks good to me. (You should see ours!!! Still has Drummer Boy's STUFF...from band, from room, from wife...and then all the other junk!) And Christmas boxes are still waiting for hubby's assistance to put in the attic (I don't do ladders...for a very good reason.) Hubby is so rarely in town...and now is looking at some major overseas trips in the near future. Maybe we'll just wait until next Christmas...

Jane (Artfully Graced)

Gypsy Purple said...

I can hear your weekend was very much like mine.....

Silke Powers said...

Goodness, not a relaxing weekend!! Seeing that garage reminded me of ours. And then I promptly forgot again... Don't want to overdo it on a Monday morning! Your living room is going to be beautiful as will the dayim chair! :) Hugs, Silke

Belle said...

Sorry to hear all that. I hope you have a better week ahead of you.


Acanthus and Acorn said...

Oh crap...on all accounts...right?!
I love the fact you always disclose the truths of life and design! :)

We are going to be tackling our garage this week...somehow I didn't do a good job keeping it up the last 2 years...HA!

When is your honey coming home?

Julie at Belle Vivir said...

I'm sure everything will look fantastic after completion.

Melissa said...

Oh my. I think you need a margarita asap. The chair is looking great! Bummer about the freezer. And major bummer about the lost credit cards!! But if your husband is where I think he might be, maybe he can bring you back something fantastic to make you forget about it all. (It would sure work for me!)

Jules said...

The chair will be there tomorrow or the day after...leave the teenagers to fix the garage and chuck the freezers remains...You go and soak in the pool with a long cool drink!

My Galveston Cottage said...

You've got some things going on! But you will in the end make us all envious. You go girl....-s

Melissa said...

Oh, so unfair! I haven't been there before but I love everything from that entire region. And if it is anything like some of the other countries nearby, I bet they have textiles and carpets galore! Jealous, jealous, jealous!

Stereos and Souffles said...

I hear ya. If only I would stop coming up with projects around the house, I could just float...

Janell @ House of Fifty said...

Well, the chair is looking great at least!! This weekend will make a Monday seem just peachy! Janell

anita said...

da-yum and i had workin weekends fo shizzle! :))
thank goodness for those moms in rubber gloves!

Barbara said...

Yikes! What a catalog of problems! One thing at a time. Keep calm. This too shall pass!

rjerdee said...

Yowzer! Life happens! Glad your mom and the teens were there for a few hands up..and TOO baaaa'd about your hubby's luck...He got the worst end of it...lost credit cards!!!! Dayum!!!!

MB said...

Oh my, what a crazy day! I think if we had a dollar for every time a hubby lost something we would all be very rich women!

Pat@Back Porch Musings said...

The other day, Aunt Ruth was talking about having a chair reupholstered. She said it was all tied up like yours is. When she took it to the upholsterer, they took all the tied up stuff out and didn't replace it...of course, the first time Aunt Ruth sat in the chair...the bottom fell out.

I've had the freezer mishap in the garage adventure. Not fun! Especially since it happened right after I filled it with many jars of strawberry freezer jam. I seem to remember tears in J's eyes, over that jam loss.

Kim@Chattafabulous said...

Freezer meltdown is a real bummer. I am in the same holding pattern with a chair reupholstery project I thought would be a "piece of cake" ... but not so much!! Please stop by my blog and sign up for my first giveaway! Tomorrow is a new day!

Lila said...

Ha ha, I would totally call a do-over! I hate days like that when nothing seems to go right! GRR!
Lila Ferraro
Queen Bedroom Sets

Anonymous said...

There is ONE THING that you should NOT do....ONE THING not stop breathing !!

I would leave everything just upside down, in & out, and sit down in my bed and read a new book...

Lieve groeten from The Netherlands ( where it seems to be autumn instead of may-spring )
Godeliva van Ariadone

The Style Mansion said...

I knwo what one of these days feels like, believe me. Just buy chocolate/cake/ice cream and forget about it all for a while.

Kathysue said...

OMG! Linda you and I were doing the same thing on Sunday. I opened a big old can of worms thinking I could redo an antique rocker, simple, Sure it is , NOT!! I have learned pay the professionals. I am going to apply the fabric tomorrow, it is not a sew job literally it is a staple job but after wrestling with old Springs, horse hair and staples and tacks I am not looking very it as a very hopeful prospect. Wish me luck. I am wishing you luch and good thougts are coming your way, kathysue

kinoshika said...

This is a wonderful opinion. The things mentioned are unanimous and
needs to be appreciated by everyone.
Better Home

Renae Moore said...

Man, when it rains it pours, and it always seems to happen when the hubs are gone.
I'm good at layout of furniture...what 'ya got that needs fixing? Sorry about the chair too....bummer.

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