Ok…talk about airing dirty laundry. ewwwww.
THIS is the not so happy state of my casa
this moment.
I know some of you prefer to see perfectly dolled up after shots…and raunchy before’s.
But this post is all about the
filthy and gritty real life in-betweens.
I need your help.
So…Would you paint the door black/brown?
like I just did…
would you keep going…and paint the windows and door molding next to the door the same color?
like I kinda started doing…then stopped…then took a picture. lovely.
Lovin' the mess?
thought so.
another view…
oh joy. This is so real it is sad.
But back to the question.
1. Paint it all back white.
2. Leave the door dark and windows and frame white.
3. Both door and windows dark.
4. Clean the dayum house already. Geez.
humble thanks
I have been laughing for 8 minute straight! Seriously. Now I need to go back and review the choices. Funny thing is, my office, or what WAS my office until I quit my Dayum job, is in the exact same state. But with the ladder still in her. Same vacuum I think! I shall return with an opinion. ♥ Deb
Okay. #3, and then #4. Just sayin. My ex-office/transwhatevering into my new creative studio is now a beige-ie with white trim and a lot of black furniture. And black frames. Not that it matters. **kisses with the slight scent of paint** Deb
Linda, I love it just as is. Honestly. I love the clean walls which showcase your really bright and ethnic fabric choices. I think a work in progress is a nice place to be. ~kelley
I love getting to come in while you are working! That's like walking next door! So....I would probably stop where you are and live with that awhile and see if it feels good! You can always go back and paint MORE! I like the way it stands out against the white frame! ♥
duly noted Deb.And lets see said office/transwhatever. Cause I think I might win!
Thanks Kelley...Truly respect your opinion!
Thanks Lav...that's two for leaving as is...
Thanks for stopping by i love visitors!
i love your space! Please sign in for my giveaway:)
We all have messy houses Linda, we just don't share them...mine is pretty scary right now - I say paint the door brown/black and leave the window frames white which I guess is the #2 choice - I have dark floors with a lot of dark furniture so I like the white walls and window frames!
Paint the whole room YELLOW and the door BLUE! Paint the room TURQUOISE and the door RED!
Your garden is so colorful! Why not the inside too???
I'd say both doors and windows dark.
If it were me.
I like the door dark and the window white. I think with the paneled window in the door the dark framing looks great. The window with more panes looks nice white with the white walls and the bright art. As far as a mess goes, I can look at my own so yours does not phase me in the least!!! Hehe Kathysue
white all the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and have fun..
love it... just the way it is... so light, airy and cozy... no black... have a great weekend... xx
Oh, I think everyone's house is a version of your "dirty" 90% of the time! If it can be picked up in under 10 minutes then it's totally okay! I really like the idea of it all being painted dark, the windows and frame and door, and having it pop against the white. But only if it would still flow with the rest of the house!
Depends on how much other black you have in the room. At this point, the door seems too strong but if it's balanced by black furnishings...who knows, it could work. Just sayin'
Love the white walls... all light and airy! I am thinking blue on the windows. Keeps that crisp lightness but adds some fun and reminds me of the Greek Islands. Although, maybe with your awesome chair you could do a green on the windows. Hmm. Needs some more thought.
Sorry...my delete. I needed to clarify.
Love the dark. Go dark on the door and windows. I think the dark is suppossed to pull the outdoors in.
I can't believe you are showing your house like that. I mean...it's not like you have tons of chiren, a big dog, a job...and obviously you paint on the side. Oh yeah...I forgot...magnificent gardner too. And serious chef. You nut...your house looks awesome! How many babies did you deliver this week?
kiss, kiss :)
Your furnishings are so striking against the white I would hesitate to draw the eye away from them with dark windows. Only my thoughts, so maybe best if you live with it a while before you decide. Every photo I have posted from home has had a pile of clothes, a hairdryer or just plain old dust so it's nice to see someone else is human too! Good luck
Number 3. For sure!!!!!
P. S. If you keep the black/brown door (and I think you will), what if you painted thin black lines inside the white window frame to resemble the narrow black lines of your main living room window? The window as narrow cove moldings that could carry just a bit of black...
Becky! That is exactly what my Mom said! I do have a huge dark wood mirror (that I tried to sell on craigslist...but no takers :(
that I could use in the foyer...have a few choices of tables and lights too. Choices choices!
Kathi...This area has been just about all of those colors...now I am longing for cool, serene non color. This week anyway!
Cobalt...Greek Isles...Take me away!
Sarah...kiss kiss right back. and only one.
Thanks for your ideas...one and all...Keep 'em coming!!
I'll start hanging some art and figuring out what furniture to place where today.
I kinda like the dark door with white frame and windows, Linda.
Looking forward to the "reveal"...:-).
oooohhhh... Boy.... okay..#3....
I love the black around the door and windows....i think contrast is good...too much "light" would be ..well... too much light (as in color)
I would definitely paint them all black!
We are considering doing the same thing in our home. Can't wait to see how it turns out! = )
OK I slept on it, because questions like these are sort of "fate of the nation hangs in the balance" kinda q's to those of us who love love love home decor yes?
So i think i am going with paint trims black. I'll tell ya why.
i like the way it provides a sort of home base for your eyes, the dark against the white. i also like how it plays a nice contrast with the orangey-coral outside-reminds me of a tropical getaway home you posted once. And, i like how it ties in other colors you'll be using mixed with black. And of course, love~love~love the drama of stark contrasts.
There. I did it.
I opinionatled on someone else's house. EEKS!
If I'm wrong call me, i will come help you repaint everything white again! :-)
I feel right at home here cause that mess reminds me of my own . . .
Love it dark, so #3 is my choice. I think the contrast looks fantastic !
Loving your thoughts!!! Laughing, too!
Ok...I uploaded a "beautifully" rendered painting of the door frame...at the top of the post.
Does this change anyone's mind??
I really do.
#3! The contrast looks great.
You live in the Keys, right? You want things to look cool. Stick with white and use your lovely rugs and furniture for color. And your lovely plants!
I think it was Charlotte Moss who at one time said that if your house still offers a lot of appeal and comfort even during its "messy" state, then you've got great style. And that's you: A lady with wonderful style!! I vote for darkening the muntins on the right to complement the LR window on the left. cheers, -susan
You can handle living with a lot of contrast, so I vote all black (to match the non-trim windows).
(so I can avoid cleaning my own damn self)
#3 - Love the door painted w/the molding and the window. It treats it as one big focal point.
Anybody can vacuum - not everybody can transform their space!
Well.....I like painting the door black and the idea of the inside of the panes next to it to resemble your window in the LR!
I have a 'zillion' doors in my house I would love to paint black but don't want to do all of the frames (which are white) black as well. I'm chicken though. You be the guinea pig! hehe
Hey Miss Linda!
Is this your front door entry? If it is I LOVE the door AND the window painted Black!! I think an entry should make a statement, and the Black does that. It tells you that fabulous things await you! I think the Black really balances all the strong colors you use, and makes the entry equally important!
Loving your paint program skills! Better than I could do.
I think painting the window frame the dark door color would be really dramatic! Go for it. Can't wait to see what you go with.
I'm not qualified to opine, and would leave it all white out of fear (of making a mistake)! :) I can't wait to see what you decide, though. I have been wanting to brighten up my interior but haven't yet. What if I don't like it when I'm done....? xo
Hi Tropisol! I used to post on a Spanish Revival/Mediterranean thread at ths.gardenweb (binsd or binsb) but have been away for a couple of years after having twin babies. They are 2.5 and we're in Houston now getting ready to move into a *gulp* cookie-cutter-house in a masterplanned community. I get palpitations just thinking about it! I've been searching for what seems like weeks for inspiration & came across a link to your blog from a British Colonial thread at ths. SO GLAD I found your wonderful blog! I can't wait to read & look at all the eye-candy. I hope everything is good with you. -Bernadette
Go all dark...#3 is my pick! It will draw your eve right outside.
I also think you will love the "wow" factor and if not...I am sure there is a paint can somewhere that can help you trnsform it again!!!
I think both door and window dark.
The walls could either (a) be painted don't know what colour to recommend or
(b) change the slip cover on the couch to a color and leave the walls... because they really look good now.
LOVE that arm chair by the way.. if it goes missing I swear it would not be my fault :)
In order to say I would have to come and visit..., hihi!!
I like the window and door dark - it ties into your other window through the arch. That would be what I would do :) But... like Maya, I think I have to come see in person. bwhahahaha. I'll check the airlines... la la la.
xo Isa
well...why in the hello isnt one of our choices a cheerful linda orange? hello..orange door white trim!
your bold and brave..go with whatever speaks to that!
I like the way the door stands out against all the white
this is hilarious to see all the comments. I guess that's why I've given up my career as an interior designer to design jewelry. "Everyone is a designer!" because everyone has different taste. My expert opinion. Do what you love! But stay consistent in one room (or rooms that are open to each other). I say all white or all black. Chic and clean
......but black is fun : )
I think so far so good..Go with your instincts Chica! Loving the all black idea, you'd also be forgiven if you changed the door back to white,it would still work for me! LOVING the rug too......Afghan?
if you plan on skipping any window treatments of any kind....
do it all dark.
hahaha, I love the painting balancing on the chair.
Must we choose from only black, brown and white?? Aqua?..no OK, I vote for dark on the door white on the windows.
I like the door dark and the windows white! Either way is not wrong I don't think though.
HI Linda
Well I think I agree with Becky's suggestion .. thin dark outlines on the white windows to match the others.. or just leave that set of windows white!! either way it looks fabulous.. you have the most wonderful light in these rooms!! and by the way... not too messy!!!
Hope you have a great week and get all your painting done.. will be interesting to see the new after!! PS thanks for the lovely comment... xx Julie
Number 2
I like what you've done so far. Just the door black. As far as the mess, join the club!
Um. Amazing. That print fabric chair is SO amazing.
Ooo! Lindas I really love the black door and black window!! Tres Chic!!!! XOxox <3 Udo
ps: puhlease! your house is not messy in the slightest! it's supposed to be lived in for crikey's sake... and with that black door and window you'll be livin large! =D
My vote, although it doesn't appear as if you need yet another opinion ... leave the door black and the mouldings around doors and windows white. Good luck, Sugar!
Living in the UK makes me crave light filled spaces so...I love it just the way it is:)
I say either leave it all white or go with the white walls and black or brown trim on EVERYTHING. I had the latter with high ceilings and tall victorian baseboards, it was pretty cool.
amazing post!
just passing by your blog and i have to say i LOVE it. do come drop by mine too and maybe we can follow each other. =)
have a lovely day!
Everything looks so lovely. I would go with white frames and a dark door.
Paint it ALL white!!!
linda, for once i can't read all these comments. just for once.
i would not paint the window black. i might paint the door white. i like all white.
unless you want black and white.
does that help?
p.s. i have a porch we will be painting all white. most of my house is splashed with color but i like the serenity all white will convey on a porch.
just sayin....
Glad to see I'm not the only one living this kind of life right now! ;)
I like it black, but sometimes it's hard to figure out where to start and stop with a different color when it comes to trim and baseboards and whatnot. Basically, I'm no help whatsoever!
OMG-i'm sitting at home with THE SAME dilemma! Patio doors are now black...and that's it! Do I paint the windows? Paint doors white again? My hubby goes away for weekend and i can do serious damage with a little can of paint!. I say door and windows black! Go for it! -Kris "inyourbackpocket.blogspot"
I really like just the door black with the white window frames. Oh and your house isn't that bad. You should see mine if I miss ONE day of cleaning. Yep, ONE!
Lila Ferraro
Queen Bedroom Sets
paint the door black. i love black doors inside and out - every single door in my house is painted black.
I am loving all of the white, Linda. Have a great weekend. xx
Odd, I'm having the same painted door choice.
Decorator said to do the whole thing Charleston green.
Love & adore everything else she's designed.
So, it shall be painted as designed.
It can always be painted white again.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
You guys are just amazing....seems to be a split between paint and not paint...with a few "go back to white" thrown in just to flumox me!! Keepin me on my toes....yep!
Binsb(d)/Caramel!! I DO remember you!! email me...I'd love to catch up!
I could not get your email or links from your profile
Same vacuum I think! I shall return with an opinion.
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oh joy is right. keeping it real is even better. Makes me feel more comfortable to see the state of in-between that so many of us are constantly in.
i like the door & window frame in black.
xo Lisa
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