Thursday, July 14, 2011


Maybe in the scheme of things

our roof


so bad…


just wonderin’ out loud.

carry on.

Image from pinterest


sealaura said...

today is going to be a long day for me. glad I started it with you and your blog! this is so funny! warms hugs from Cali.

for the love of a house said...

I think with a little fresh paint it would be fabulous;)- hey, the landscaping is already done!! fabulous photo!

happy weekend to you and yours!

Paige @ Little Nostalgia said...

Haha! I kind of wonder what the roots are doing to the inside of the house. Maybe the people keep them in big bowls of water?

Rick Forrestal said...

I love this photo so much, on so many levels.

Thanks for sharing . . .

Sush said...

I am now appreciating my roof...just don't tell my husband.

Lula Belle Style said...

Holy Cow! That's our roof! Love that.

An Urban Cottage said...

Great image!

Barb@curlywillowdiy said...

Hillbilly Griswold Christmas Vacation.

Barb@curlywillowdiy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Debby said...

Makes me feel better about our roof that leaks. How funny.

Jane said... would be interesting to decorate for Christmas...

Renae Moore said...

So funny! Always if we look hard enough we can find something to be thankful for!

vicki archer said...

Mine either! Great the eccentricity of it....xv

Desert Dreaming said...

This photo made my need of a new roof, and after seeing this, I don't feel so bad!!! Adorable post. Hope your not has hot in your part of Florida as we are in ours...pretty hight temps this week...

Have a great weekend! And, one last note...your yard (from previous posts) is just so beautiful....


Pamela Terry and Edward said...

You know, there's something about it that I love. If only a roof could be constructed sturdy enough to accommodate fir trees, I might consider it for my dream cottage in the woods!

Kathi said...

Fantastic! Love Paige's comment. :D A roof like this would really work for a dollhouse.
I'll keep it in mind! LOL

Leckeres für Mensch und Katze said...

What a great shot. Would be perfect for PicStory this week: OUtdoor! If you like...
LG Tina

Renée Finberg said...


good one.

Tamara Jansen said...

Everything is relative, I always say! Too funny

Kristin Lea said...

I like this picture!! How has your summer been?

Anonymous said...

Mama Mia what a fabulous photo, I will die for this house!!!!!

Love from me and Sweden


Exchange 2007 said...


Sorcerer said...

Loved it..Thanks for sharing..its hilarious.

Michele R. Unger said...

You are absolutely right! My roof is looking MUCH better in comparison! Thanks for the giggle.

Deborah said...

**squeals of delight**

Cobalt Violet said...

Thanks for giggle! I love it!!!

Splendid Willow said...

Hahaha! (: Funny girl!

Hope your summer is going well.



anon Susan said...

Oh my gosh! I LOVE that roof!!!!

Anonymous said...

no way...I love this and would gladly live among those roots!

Blue Muse said...

hahaha. I LOVE that photo. Just what I needed - a good laugh. Thanks sister-friend!
xo isa

MissBliss said...

love this--- thank you! so funny.

mydeco said...

WOW, Ok well that is pretty bad but it does seem to have a sort-of charm to it too!


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