Monday, November 21, 2016

From Persimmon to Cuban Cigar. The story of a chesterfield...

She was glorius
and flirtatious
in her day
The bright orange chesterfield that I brought home for a song

 ..But after a few years
her color was
a bit limiting....
and she needed to move to the family room. 
And Orange wasn't gonna cut it.

After a bit of searching
and calling around to local upholstery and leather refinishing places
I recieved a quote of over $1000 clams to change Orange to brown.
 Then... I came across a product that 
promised it could
 restore....and re-color leather.
Created by a mother daughter team in California...
the site is full of hopeful testimonials and pictures...even videos.
after a phone call with the owner
I decided to plunk down the 39 bucks and try it out...

The hardest part was picking the dye color...
Even got MY  87 year old Mamacita in on the game
yes her shirt says OBVI. as in ...ously
yes. Grandma B is cool.

It was unbelievably easy...we sponged it on
and it took less than an hour.
I kid you not

I wanted to allow some of the orange to show wear
or a bit of distress. I didn't want a single color
but the look of time and age...

I got out a thin paintbrush to finish around cording and other hard to reach places
It was stunningly easy.
Easy Peasey easy.

 From Persimmon Orange
to Cuban Cigar Brown
Just. Like. That.

That was fun.
It has been jumped on, pawed at, slept on, played on
...and is holding up beautifully

And it has the Finnegan and Pearl
seal of Great Dane approval.
'cuz if they ain't happy....
 well, you know.

Re-do thee some leather.


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