First impressions when you walk in the
front door.
Doesn't hurt to have a touch of tropical flora and fauna to welcome
so say I...

And the delightful Sandra from Canyon Wren Cottage has tagged me...If ya love Texas (and even if you don't...check out her blog!)
Ok...Seven weird or unknown facts about me:
1. I have synesthesia. Didn't know until I was an adult...but for me, all of the words and letters I see are in color. I thought everyone had a specific color for Wednesday or Sally. Apparently not. Anyone else???
2. I am allergic to spearmint gum. Eyes blow up, roof of mouth itches. not peppermint or wintergreen...just spearmint. And just gum.
3. Last baby was born in water (not weird to me...but many)
4. My daughter and I have the same exact three freckles on our nose.
5. We were married on Christmas eve...It was beautiful and perfect.
6. Grasping now...Tracked Dall Sheep in the Glaciers of Alaska with a Marine Biologist...the piper Cub kept trying to stall mid-air...we landed where no human ever had, I wasn't nervous at all.
7. I have a bright, hand painted turquoise indonesian kite hanging from the ceiling of my has wings and claws. And is probably not very welcoming...and I would do better with some lovely tropical flowers. live and learn, eh?
I am going to pass this on to anybody that would like to grab it...and keep it movin'! You ALL are my faves! Really, really!!
Love the foyer photos, Linda!
You have a very interesting list! Enjoyed!
Lovely foyers! I've been tagged too and I'm working on mine. It's harder than people might think to come up with quirky things to share about ones self!
p.s. sally is always just black and white for me
No, no, no Bridget...Sally is golden yellow with some onyx.
Thanks Pat...Looking forward to hearing yours, Bridget!
Two things: I could move into that first foyer and never. leave. Secondly...synesthesia??? I didn't even know that existed! Now THAT is different! Thanks for sharing!
Oooh, I forgot. I would like you to see my name in pink and green, please. :)
Weird,eh? Actually learned about it from a Scientific American Magazine article a friend saved for me. She said Look...This is YOU!
No can do Chris...Golden/brown...with just a touch of royal blue. Seriously.
And...You would have to move me out of that first pic...or learn to live with me!
I enjoyed your list, Linda. Fun facts!
As for your great pics, I especially like the one with the blue chairs. sigh...
Oh so beautiful. The 2nd photo is my favorite - so golden and warm - I want to move in that one!
I can't believe I've never heard of synesthesia. Now that's interesting. Have a great week!
Thanks for the comment - yes the owners have around 8 hotels i think - most are in the French alps - ski chalets types.
thanks again!
All foyers scream "Welcome" I have a hard time picking a favorite!
Nothing like an entrance (hall)!!
I love a cluttered English country house type, the one with hats on hooks, and an umbrella stand filled with canes and umbrellas, a nice little table to put down keys, an old mirror, a hook for dog leashes, a boot tray for shoes scuffed off from a wet garden - oh! I've just described mine! ha ha
You did a lovely bit of writing too Miss Lime in the Coconut :-)
xo xo
Gorgeous pics! Love the floral arrangements. You sound like one interesting woman - thanks for sharing! Tracey x
Your list made me smile. I'm so intrigued by your Synesthesia. Must make the world a bit more colorful.
Yes...I never had heard about Synesthesia before either...or even knew that I *had* something. Frankly, It's amusing...and great dinner conversation! is kind of like neurological wiring getting messed up in the senses area. Some poor folks have synesthesia that makes words and letters associated with smells. Can you imagine?!
The colors of Sally...snort. I'm seeing Sally in pink these days! :)
You are so interesting. A happy cool hip life. Full of creativity. and love...I really like the staircase..digging the black paint.
Every detail of your home is welcoming to me, Linda, you sheep-trackin', non-spearmint gum-smackin'-you!
I've had that third photo in my style file, too. Love the blue, love the tropical vibe!
I was wondering if there was any possibility that synesthesia was contagious. I would really like to catch it if at all possible:)
synesthesia? OK, I LOVE wonder you live in such a colorFULL world...hmmmm, maybe I have it too??
Si quieres que un ambiente pequeño parezca más grande de lo que es, utiliza algunos trucos de decoración, el color, la textura y la forma de los elementos contribuirá a ampliar su tamaño aparente.
Para el Recibidor, el COLOR es imprescindible que pintes las paredes y techos entonos claros y luminosos y que el pavimento sea de losetas medianas, parquet o moqueta en colores suaves.
La LUZ, debes evitar, en la medida de lo posible que se produzcan áreas oscuras dentro de esta zona, porque restarían espacio al conjunto. Para ello, te aconsejamos una iluminación general cenital.
El MOBILIARIO, si adaptas algún mueble específico, cuida que sea de una madera clara, como haya o pino. Un perchero de pie o adosado a la pared algún paragüero y un espejo, te ayudarán a complementar toda la zona, sin apenas ocupar volumen.
En la DISTRIBUCION, suprimir la puerta de acceso al interior de la vivienda, o instalar algún tipo de corredera, son las mejores soluciones para ampliar este espacio. Si no puedes eliminarla, instala un modelo de cristal translúcido que deje pasar la luz.
Hi Linda!
Love learning new things about blogger pals. Alaska? Tracking sheep? It's the plane part that would have gotten to me.
I love that last staircase image with the black risers and wood treads, different and very effective! Love it!
You guys are sooo fun! I mean really, Who would really care.
Y'all rock...realy, like rockin and rollin!
However, still deciphering the long spanish "color and ambiance" post....thinkin' they are selling...something.
Thanks for listening you guys!
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