They have been our faithful servants,
our tireless comrades,
our tireless comrades,
and our loyal friends.
giving us their all...
speed endurance power...

A gentle grace.
and flawless beauty
their unwavering trust.
their heart.
that lost their lives this
past weekend...
May their wild spirit
burn bright...
have green pastures.
Such beautiful creatures..., I once took a few riding lessons, that's all. How wonderful it must be to be around horses...
Horses are such beautiful animals. NIcely captured in these shots.
What a beautiful tribute.
It's such a sad thing to have happened.
I particularly enjoyed the photo of a horse's eye close-up.
Lovely pictures.
*My heart is so very, very heavy~~~ but your tribute to these magnificent beings is beautiful, so obviously heartfelt and it touches me deeply.
*I thank you, more than you can probably know, my friend, for doing this ~~~
* Warmest, comforting blessings to a fellow animal lover, respectful of all living beings, as am I.
*Linda in AZ *
lovely post. I was in disbelief when I heard about it. Wonderful pictures, they capture the beauty of these creatures inside and out.
I didn't know, how very tragic. Your tribute is very beautiful; such magnificent animals and I'll be sad for days....
So heartbreakingly sad - lovely tribute, xv.
It was so tragic what happened to those beautiful animals. Lovely tribute!
This is so precious and beautifully done.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend.
Blessings - Debbie
As an equine enthusiast, I know there is a true line between the horse & rider. An unside trust, a nod & a look when the two are connected. These beautiful creatures of flight, what a great story.
oh linda, so sweet of you to put this together as a tribute. love your pics. especially the thought behind the last one....
oh, what a lovely photo essay. the image of that horse's eye, the depth in it, just breaks my heart....
Such amazing animals and loyal friends, as you said. Beautiful tribute.... and yes, may they have greener pastures.
That is beautiful, and so sad. I have always admired horses and their incredible beauty, yet have always been too scared to ride one.
Thanks for stopping by and wishing Sophie well. Yo are always so kind with your comments...
Have a great weekend,
I hadn't heard about this, it's so sad and tragic. Beautiful photos girly.
A very beautiful post for such a sad ending for these ponies. I love horses as much as I do dogs. If I had room for one in my house I would have one. Beautiful photos my friend. xoxo
What a beautiful tribute to one of God's creatures. The sudden death of those 21 polo ponies was horrific.
Thanks for the sweet comment on my tribute to Bailey, my grand-dog.
Your photos and tribute are so beautiful, but the story makes me sick with sadness.
Beautiful photos of one of God's most extraordinary creatures...such power, and yet, He gave us dominion over them. Thank you for this tribute; it is truly lovely. **blows kisses** Deborah
I take it from your words and the comments that something tragic happened to 21 polo ponies 8-( I cry every time I hear or read a sad animal story :-(
Your horse pictures are beautiful, and you've written a wonderful tribute.
Kelly @ DesignTies
We love horses. My daughter has been riding since she was nine. She definitely has "the horse bug". It's so good for a young lady too...keeps them away from boys:)
Just beautiful photographs.
I thought of you when I heard of this tragic news...
my heart turns and twist over this whole thing.
i am so very happy that you did this post, even though i am crying now.
we will get to the very bottom of this mystery.....
love you girl !
This story broke my heart when I heard about it this morning. Such a tragedy.
What a lovely tribute!
What a beautiful post. I don't know much about horses, but I once read that a horse will run for the sheer joy of it. How wonderful!
My granddaughter has been riding since she was five ... she is now sixteen. Through her love for horses I have been touched as well.
Thank you.
Thank you for this was right up my alley and I thought it was such a sad loss for so many. Beautiful photos and beautiful creatures! Lu
So sad :( What a sensitive and beautiful tribute to such gentle animals...
Hi Linda :)
I have a deep love for horses and used to ride my own two babies years ago. My heart broke when I heard about this.... beautiful tribute.
THey are GORGEOUS! I hope those poor horse do go on to greener pastures!
BTW are you ready with your guest blogging post for 4/29? No pressure.... but if you could get it to moi bu MOnday that would be GREAT! If you do not have to do the post... just let me know and perhaps you will do one in the future... let me know... merci!
ENJOY your weekend!
What a lovely post honoring these amazing creatures....I have never spent much time riding, but its a thrill each time....
Beautiful Tribute Linda... Have a good weekend! :)
Oh Linda! i just saw kind of you to put this together to honor the spirit of the horses. We have so grieved the senseless tragedy that took place.
God bless you, and God bless them.
I am a horseback rider (I'm on my college's Equestrian Team) and I didn't know about this. It broke my heart to read about this and thank you for the lovely tribute.
Beautiful tribute post and photos!
Hi Linda,
Your post is a wonderful tribute to those horses and to their owners. I heard it reported that it was accindental, and that the pharmacy that made the mistake has come forward, and is accepting responsibility. That fact, doesn't make it any easier to hear what happened to those beautiful creatures. Our family room is filled with pictures and statues of horses, they have always had a special place in my heart.
Thank you for doing this.
I keep telling myself I am going to sign up for an early morning ride at the Maricopa Indian reservation so I can view the wild mustangs that freely roam the property. It is a must see!
Please stop by my blog. I am hosting a 200th post giveaway.
As always have a wonderful way with words. I was full of sadness over that story.
Completely heartbreaking. I can barely take it in. Thank you for a beautiful remembrance.
What a wonderful photo story... It was such a sad thing! .....Thanks so much for sharing all these photos!
Oh dear. :( what a travesty!!!!
Such beautiful pictures, but what an absolutely heartbreaking story.
Lovely tribute and lovely photos. It makes my cry. So sad, but thank you for sharing it.
Beautiful, just beautiful. I rode for years, and then my lifestyle prevented it...maybe someday, again...
What a lovely post... Amen to that.
I've 4 horses arabians stallions and one english race horse. all my horses are bitless and natural riding . our stables are in the meddle of race horse stable , every monday , race day , it's disaster ! horse are collapsing from chimicals that those idiots give to boost their horses . I'm against competition of any kind . .
thank you for your text
A beautiful tribute. Unfortunately we don't hear much of the details in Michigan-I hope it never happens again. Your pictures and heart are wonderful.
A wonderful tribute to some of our most beautiful animals.
Lovely photos and sentiment. I adore horse and was so devastated by this horrible tragedy. Thank you for the reminder on how much happiness these lovely animals bring!
very very sad... nice tribute..
How sad did that make you?
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