Monday, May 25, 2009

Small changes in the Casita…

Our little Casita (guest house)…is home to Grandma B.

we made a few teensy changes this weekend...

casita 021-1 We added a mirror to bring in the green

and found a couple of interesting antler lamps.

wall 105

…Getting lighter.

casita 022

Originally it was built as a lodge, of sorts

dark, no kitchen

it’s not a small guest house (1100 SF)…but Grandma B has a lot

of big furniture…

and art.

casita 025-2

The 1970’s fireplace had a rock wall behind it…

and while I would love to paint the fireplace


wall 101 wall 100

That isn’t happening this weekend sigh

but we did paint the rock.


Tcasita 028 wall 103


The machete worthy

tropical jungle surviveseven thrives.

It has been dry, dry, dry here of late.

wall 090

casita 031

wall 112 wall 116 wall 113

The ever changing casita…

Anything new at your Casa??

Happy Memorial Day...relax...and remember those that serve

and have served us.


Maya@Completely Coastal said...

Lucky Grandma B!!!

Mindy said...

Even under dry conditions... the jungle looks lush from Seattle. The casita looks very comfortable.

Sharon said...

I was wondering, is that a citronella oil lamp in the garden?
Your green space looks awesome!

Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

WOW! Grandma B is one lucky lady! I would love to shack up there! It's lovely!

Bumpkin on a Swing said...

Ooops I missed the number for reservations. I'll take the week of Labor Day please.
Uhhhhhhhhhhh if it wasn't for the reptiles I would so be a Florida girl.
The plumeria on budding here, how about you guys?
One of the sweetest smells on earth.

anita said...

linda and grandma b. got it
going on!

Silvia said...

well su casite esta muy bonita!!love it love the sideboard and the lamps..the palm leaves a perfect touch..


Silvia said...

i meant casita...i'm spanish so i should know

Velvet and Linen said...

Tell Grandma to move over because I'm coming to stay!
What an inviting guest house, Linda.
Looks like a perfect place to take a vacation.Hint Hint!


Sixpence and A Blue Moon said...

What a lovely place to hang your hat! Just beautiful; love all the colors and the decor.

MissBliss said...

pure loveliness... what cute lamps!!!

Pam Kersting said...

What a beautiful little casita for Grandma B! Lovely foliage outside too. Thanks for sharing.

My Notting Hill said...

Love the changes you've made. Today we've been working on sanding the kitchen floors. I'll start the painting tomorrow...

Stephanie Clayton said...

Ooooo, the painted rock wall looks cool! Nice changes.

Lady Katherine said...

I have to second it, Lucky Grandma! Oh, I am one too now! lol

for the love of a house said...

Wow, Grandma B has some great furniture and art! I'm very impressed! Would she like a roommate?!!
Really great changes! Well done!

Ivy Lane said...

Love the changes! How cool to have a casita! This weekend, spent alot of time gardening... broadcast a ton of shade/wildflower seeds in my woods..planted some flower pots...weeding, cleaned hummingbird feeders... watered, even got a little sun kissed! Next.. looking to paint the front door! just have to ponder over the colors! Hope your Memorial Day was grand!

Pat@Back Porch Musings said...

Absolutely beautiful, Linda! Always wonderful!

~ Lisa @ AbidingThere~ said...

I just love the casita and its jungle. Really love the palm fronds on the tables. And totally love the painted rock wall.

Remember several months ago (January?) Layla did a redesign for my bedroom? I'm just now taping off the bathroom to paint it - it's been mismatched with my bedroom all this time... now we think we want to paint the whole interior of the house to lighten it up... :) Lots of projects, little time.

Deborah said...

**wipes drool from chin** LOVELY!!! I really should live in a jungle. I hyperventilate just looking at all your gorgeous green.
**blows kisses** Deborah

Anonymous said...

Oh, Grandma's got a lovely place to live! I just love everything you've done!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Linda Lou said...

If I were a grandma I would like to live in that little guest house, and enjoy the tropical environment-well done, it looks great!

annechovie said...

Nothing new here, but your casita is SO stylish! I also love your tropical, lush garden - beautiful!

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

If I were Grandma B, I would never leave!!

Everything is blooming at our casita!! And there are bird nests in the rose bushes.

Renée Finberg said...

i am liking it.
it looks good !

Anonymous said...

Lucky grama B indeed! Your casita is beautiful!

Our casita lawn is in need of a machete given how much RAIN we have had, everything is crazy green and growing...but...I'd love to see the sun!

Fifi Flowers said...

Nothing has changed lately... I would soooo LOVE to get a game room put together for my boys!!!

Cass @ That Old House said...

Grandma B is one lucky chiquita!

Does your guest house have a guest room? If so, I'm in. . . .


Farmgirl Paints said...

Looks great! I'm lovin' the palm frawns everywhere.

Bridget said...

Grandma has one rockin' shack! I wish my MIL would take a decorating cue from your casita. She has similar furniture but it just doesn't look the same.

cotedetexas said...

so so so gorgeous!!!!!!!!!

Simple Daisy said...

That is one nice guest house!!
I love the tropical "jungle" .... it looks fabulous even in the dry conditions!! Take care and have a great week!!

Mango Gal said...

Such a pretty casita!

Jennifer said...

I'll cook if I can visit! What a beautiful place to be....jenn

Sanity Fair said...

Love the feel of this - the garden especially.

Susan Lang @ Designing Your Dream Home said...

Enchanting! I especially like the lamps in the first photo!

La Maison Fou said...

I think this is an incredible space, what a lucky Grandma B and what a wonderful person to host her!!

Lauren said...

linda it looks beautiful!!! (magazine-worthy beautiful!!)

i'm still having computer issues & have been meaning to email you about my kitchen island- it's form ikea! one of those you can pick your own legs for & change the height of.

anyway, love grandma b's place- SO stylish!!!

SeaWorthy said...

WOW how gorgeous your place never ceases to amaze and delight me every time I come over to visit.
Grama has lots of greeeaaat stuff!

Me, just yard work, shingle replacing, outdoor shower making and..trying TRYING to pick a house color for an old english tudor..oy...

Liz Harrell said...

What a fantastic place to live! I envy Grandma B!

Julie at Belle Vivir said...


I love what you did with your casita. Grandma B should be so happy living in this gorgeous space.

Ms. Tee said...

So, so pretty! It was lovely before, but is amazing now. So lush and tropical...sigh. :)

Zuniga Interiors Design Studio said...

Wow I love casitas! sigh....I had a darling lil' studio casita at my other husband built it and I loved it! So, when I see casitas, I get excited! Enjoy it Grandma B!


Tanya said...

The casita looks very charming. I could spend some time in there with friends and a cool drink. Grandma B must love it.

Things That Inspire said...

Wow - what a dream guest house. I must admit I have a not so secret desire to have a guest house some day, maybe over the garage, but my husband is targeting the future 'over the garage' space for his office. All part of our 'in our imaginations' future home!

My Castle in Spain said...

beautiful !!
and yes your grandma is sooo lucky!

Lisa (aka) French said...

Your pics always bring a smile to my face;) Love them!! French;)

farmhouse wares said...

Um...can I come stay in the casita?

Renae Moore said...

I love Grandma B's casita! She has beautiful things and I know she must be very comfortable there. Your tropical grounds are specatular...

leilani said...

Love the lamps. Mind if I ask where you got them? Are they real antler/horn or resin?

Unknown said...

Wow!! I LOVE your casita. I LOVE YOUR BLOG!! I told my DH that I wanted a casita for the abuelitas but I might move into it myself!! QUESTION: I live in Texas. I moved here from Costa Rica and my husband is from Mexico. I WANT A HOUSE LIKE YOURS. I keep telling my sweetie that I want to change the house to a tropical retreat. It is possible here. BUT EVERYONE KEEPS TELLING ME THAT IT DOESN'T FIT WITH THE STYLE OR ARCHITECTURE OF THE HOMES IN DALLAS. Mind you, these are not true designers. What do you think? What do your design friends think? Can I transform my 70s ranch home into our dream home?

Unknown said...

Wow!! I LOVE your casita. I LOVE YOUR BLOG!! I told my DH that I wanted a casita for the abuelitas but I might move into it myself!! QUESTION: I live in Texas. I moved here from Costa Rica and my husband is from Mexico. I WANT A HOUSE LIKE YOURS. I keep telling my sweetie that I want to change the house to a tropical retreat. It is possible here. BUT EVERYONE KEEPS TELLING ME THAT IT DOESN'T FIT WITH THE STYLE OR ARCHITECTURE OF THE HOMES IN DALLAS. Mind you, these are not true designers. What do you think? What do your design friends think? Can I transform my 70s ranch home into our dream home?

Lorrie said...

I love the new look, and even more
I love the garden.....Wow


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