Friday, December 25, 2009

…And just like that

...It’s all over


Happily exhausted.

Pleasantly full.


…and triumphant.


Oh dear.


erin's art and gardens said...

that's hilarious!!

The Bliss Journey said...

Pretty darn cute. Enjoy the rest of your day.

Seagrass Interiors said...

So cute! Merry Christmas!

Pat@Back Porch Musings said...

And that's the truth!

I took a nap this afternoon. Very to take everything apart! Maybe I'll ask Molly to assist.

Karen @ Mignardise said...

Love that last picture - priceless! Your dog has the best expression on his (her?) face.
Hope you had a delicious day!

Deborah said...

What a dog! Great shot too. It's 6:40 and I am ready to go to bed!
**kisskiss** Deb

MissBliss said...

adorable doggy! we just took a walk in a snow covered canyon... still enjoying the day...on mountain time ;)


Linda in AZ * said...

* YOUR PRECIOUS PUP looks as HAPPY, CONTENTED and UBER-LOVED as OURS DOES TONIGHT!!!..........and THAT, my friend, is one of T*H*E MOST HEARTWARMING things to SEE!!

Thanks so much for the "hot chocolate for my tummy!",

Linda in AZ *

Anonymous said...

Move over Santa...I'm needing this couch!!

Merry Christmas...

Unknown said...

CuTe ~ cUtE ~ CUTE! Hope your day was filled with blessings and wishing you a Happy New Year!

a quiet life said...

so cute, no need to ask if things went well at your house!

SarahWhite said...

Oh that is funny! I'm about you? :)

Simple Daisy said...

Love the pooch:)
that's sooo true!!
Take care and enjoy the rest of the holiday season!

Jane said...

Your handsome pup looks content...and extremely proud!
Glad you had a wonderful day...

Enjoy the rest of the holidays...
Jane (artfully graced)

Beadboard UpCountry said...

Hi Linda!
I loved this post with the "apres xmas theme. I have enjoyed being a reader! I hope to tune in even more in the new year, when things get back to "normalement". Maryanne

Sharon said...

So cute!!! Doggie embodies the typical after-christmas spirit aka happy but exhausted:P

Melissa said...

Sadie wishes her Christmas was that good! She has been terrorized by her two small young cousins and is terrified of the resident Great Pyrenees! When he is near her she backs into a corner, gets as small as she can, and stares at the floor, hoping that he doesn't come near her. It really is pretty funny.

I hope Santa was good to you and your family!

for the love of a house said...

Linda... you slay me with those puppy pics!!!

Karen Deborah said...

Your tree is SPECTACULAR! You make me want to re do my whole life.

I love your dog. there is nothing like an old dog who know just WHOSE couch that is!!! HA ha or is it ho ho?

Joyce said...

LOL... your pup party hardy with Santa! So... much Santa lost his head. LOL... Love the photos my friend. xo

anita said...

know exactly what your saying...
we bowed out of a party with the whole gang, to do a quiet (adult) dinner..

i hope neither of us falls asleep over appetizers :)

Pam Kersting said...

I think we can all relate! Hope your Christmas was a merry one!

Renée Finberg said...

oh no!!!
i think these are the BEST POOCH pictures ever.

and a hug
happy new year my friend!!!

Eclectic Chic Style said...

So true, and so cute!! Love it!
I am so happy to be back in blogland visiting you again. And so glad that all the blogs I follow were still there. I hope you'll pop in soon to visit, stay and catch up!
♥ Teresa

Ivy Lane said...

Now we get to "gear up" for the New Year!! Your pooch is precious!! and the photos priceless!

Velvet and Linen said...

I looked very similar to your pup yesterday. Needed a little recuperation from all of that holiday cheer!


Linda Lou said...

Poor Santa - he was just too pooped to fight! Hope your day was magical...!

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

Just the cutest picture ever!!
Happy wishes for a restful Christmas week!

Kelley at My Island Wedding said...

such sweet shots of your doggie..., making me miss mine that passed away almost a year ago! can that be true???

hope you had a good one. happy new year too.


Renae Moore said...

I wanna cuddle with your cute!

Leslie @ A Blonde Ambition said...

Just found your blog and it's so cute! Can't wait to read more posts! Glad you had a Merry Christmas : )



kj said...

HAHAHAHA! and one HEEHEE too.

this is hilarious! poor santa. it was a bittersweet fate, depending on whether you were the chewer or the chewee. (hahahheehahahee, ahem, heehee)

i love your house! i'm feeling cozy and relaxed in it already.

i hope you had a good holiday, linda. ♥

Ana Balbinot said...

Dear Linda,
I hope you and your family had a wonderfull Xmas and that you all have a new year full of joy and peace!

Maya @ Completely Coastal said...

The aftermath couldn't be better illustrated. So adorable!

I wish you a Happy New Year, Linda..., and all the Best for 2010!

SeaWorthy said...

---and now its on to HaPPy NeW YeAr!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Aaawwww.... so very sweet and needing some down time obviously after keeping up with everyone... Poor pupikins.. ~Jil~

Beki - TheRustedChain said...

Amen to that!

So cute.

And now the mad clean up begins, which I'm actually really excited about.

Laura @ the shorehouse. said...

This is so awesome! I thought the first picture was great because it looked like Santa passed out on your sofa...but it only got better as I read on. Hahahaha!! Love it (and I think you have material already in the can for next year's Christmas card. :-) Hope you had a very merry, and thank you for sharing so much beauty this year! Looking forward to more good times in the new year!

Ree Childs / Realtor / Shop owner said...

Oh, beautiful tree.....great photo of your dog, too.
I'm always exhausted after Christmas.....and now New Year's Eve coming up! Wow - I'm going to take a long rest next week!

Blog de Artesanato da Vila do Artesão said...

I loved these pics.
I understand the doggy.
Have a good week.
Cris Turek

Bev said...

We LOVE your blog and have added a link on our favorite blogs list! Your blog is gorgeous! Your dog is gorgeous! Your home is gorgeous! Happy New Year and cheery wave from Bev

Ry @ Sotto Il Monte Vineyards said...

That is just the best dog! He has his own sofa I see.
Happy 2010 Linda!

Gwen Driscoll said...


Love your doggy pics. Looks like you all had a great holiday. Thank you so much for your cute comment on my little girl. Love your blog and only hope mine will have the same success. Happy New Year!

Gwen Driscoll
Ragland Hill Social

ain't for city gals said...

Wonder how long that thought had been going through his head? lol..

Farmgirl Paints said...

Adorable pics Linda...just priceless:)

Emily A. Clark said...

I so relate to your dog right about now :) Just found your blog; lots of fun!

Cobalt Violet said...

Love the dog and beads on the tree are my favorite! I think it all started with the trees in Rudolf the Red-nosed Reindeer t.v. special and the Burl Ives singing snowman singing "Silver and Gold!"


THAT was PRECIOUS!! amazing, hu? how the 'time' just flew by? and this weekend it will all be packed up...

Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and have a blessed NEW year!

:D Lynda

Minnie said...

Aww, what an awesome post. I got my dose of humor, great home interior shots, Christmas decorating and doggy love all in one! I so love your home, so colorful and full of art and life.

flwrjane said...

First visit to your blog and i get to see the puppy who stole christmas! i'll be back.

Denise said...

I love your dog. I also love your couch cover. What type of material is it covered with?
Thank you and Happy New Year.


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