Thursday, February 4, 2010

House snippets…

I dunno…no real rhyme or reason…stuff on my computer

But I found…as I was zooming through our house pictures…

that we have a most certain red and turquoise

thing going on in this casa….








painting insp

Snuck this one in…Inspiration pic from a local shop…decorative arts

love the painting!

So…try it…

find the colors you gravitate to

by looking through pics of your house…



Now...I don't mean...drop everything and do it now... I mean whip through them get only a color sense.

far be it for me to tell you......nevermind

Carry on.


Deborah said...

I LoVe lOvE LoVe your home. It has a true sense of home. And I love red. **kisskiss** Deb

Farmgirl Paints said...

I am in love. Linda, seriously it's so light and bright. Love that blue/green cabinet and your kitchen faucet.

Melissa said...

I love seeing pictures of your house. So gorgeous! And is that a gigantic jar full of dog cookies on your counter??? It's even bigger than the one I have for Sadie! :)

Linda@ Lime in the Coconut said...

um...yeah Melissa...but he keeps telling us he is a GIGANTIC dog. First thing every morning. He stands in front of that jar (completely blocking traffic) wagging his gigantic tail...until he gets one. Did I mention he owns us? rolls eyes.

Thanks you guys...I just love ya!

Living It At Home said...

Wow! Your house is so beautiful! If I were to speed through my house....the colors would be gray green's and subtle blues...i think.


Maya @ Completely Coastal said...

A stunning piece of "Turquoise" you have! Love your kitchen, too!

This Texas Momma said...

I love red and turquoise too...I actually have a red couch with pale turquoise pillows on it. You house is so light and airy, I wish I could get more of that vibe here. Thanks for the inspiration!

Jane said...

I love visiting your home. It's inspirational... LOVE that turquoise chest!!!

A speed trip through my house...lots of red, green, orange, white, black, and touches of blue. My most recent paintings have featured red-orange with cerulean blue.Guess I will be changing the pillows out soon...
Jane (artfully grace)

My Galveston Cottage said...

Love your home! Can I move in (smile)....I always have green in my homes. cheers, -susan

Erin {House of Turquoise} said...

What a fantastic home!!!! Turquoise and red is such a cheery combo! And I LOVE LOVE LOVE that turquoise's absolutely beautiful!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE your taste in decorating! I love that painting at that shop too but at first I thought it was your home and you had those plastic covers on your lampshades!!! I was shocked(until I read that the painting is in a store)!! WHAT A RELIEF!! Too funny! How much is the painting anyway?


Pat@BPM said...

I always enjoy seeing your home, Linda!

I like that painting, too. We were at a gallery, while at the ice sculpting thing. I really think I can afford at least one of the prints from there, if not a painting. O my goodness...absolutely wonderful!! I should add the gallery link to a post sometime. I am always drawn to abstract art...unexpected from

These days I'm using more blue along with the usual neurtral sort of colors and working my way away from the gold. I asked J about painting the breakfast room and hearth room and he agreed...he's tired of the gold too. Now, I need to save my pennies for painting and for one of the above mentioned prints.

donna baker said...

My problem is that I love too many colors. My husband thinks you need to have the same color throughout, so it flows. Does anybody's husbands except mine think they are decorators?

katiedid said...

Sigh....I love your house!!! HEY!! WHERE did you get the rod that is holding your kitchen towels? I NEED that !!! Could you email me the info? Pretty please? So cool!

anita said...

love the vibrant colors in your home..and your way cool artworks!

have you painted any of these?

Fifi Flowers said...

LOVE the combinationof red and turquoise... I should painting something in that palette... hmmmm

rjerdee said...

hey linda, you colorful creature! Nice to get another shot at your house! A real day brightener, this post.

Ivy Lane said...

i just LOVE your casa Linda!!!

alison giese Interiors said...

I recall you asking me for a sneaky-peek into our Brazilian casa - forget it, I'm now waaay too intimidated! ;)
Beautiful home, seriously.

Yansy said...

I just love your home and that blue cabinet needs to come home with me. How far are you from Miami?

Yansy said...

I just love your home and that blue cabinet needs to come home with me. How far are you from Miami?

Melanie said...

I love it all!

Anonymous said...

Seeeeeee!!! I'm not the only one that loves your artwork!!!


Renée Finberg said...

i just saw your big butt chair over at visual vamp.
i love it.

as for my colors....
is that enough?


Acanthus and Acorn said...

Your kitchen is fabulous...couldn't help notice the "red dog" print-love that! And, the aqua and turquoise a favorite over my way.:)

kj said...

may i walk up your walkway ring the bell and buy a ticket to tour your house especially the kitchen and especially the sprayer in the sink?

you live like i think. PERFECTO!


Simple Daisy said...

Love your home:)
I know I definitely gravitate towards TURQUOISE!!!!!!

Black Zebra said...

DIGGING the Casa, was looking at the pictures with a girlfriend of mine who taught me a new word-Casalicious! There you go ,your home my dear is CASALICIOUS!

Cheryl said...

oh Linda... beautiful!

vicki archer said...

Lovely photographs of your home LInda.....I think I need colour, too much taupe happening here! Have a happy weekend. xv

Renae Moore said...

So much fun to see pictures of your home...beautiful!
ME....golden yellow, black, crimson, apple green...

Cher' Shots said...

OMG ~ Great minds think alike!!
I just posted pics of wandering through my house! Too funny. Check it out. Love yours.

Anonymous said...

I love your beautiful too the little red hand built (by a child?) little bowl on the bookcase.

my home....oh that color wheel is spinning all over the place!

Anonymous said...

And another thing---Pleeeeease take a full picture of your huge pineapple painting! I am sure I am not the only one that wants to see that! I need to see the top of that pineapple!! How's your 'pineapple chair' coming along?

I also noticed the small handmade bowl on your bookshelf. I smiled. I have my children's handmade pottery in the kitchen cabinet and have been thinking I need to display it somehow. They are all grown up now so it is especially wonderful.


Brabourne Farm said...

Your house is gorgeous - I loved all your photos and all your fabulous bits and pieces. Leigh

Linda Lou said...

Your home is a creative being always evolving and a joy to view-you always have the best pics....I gravitate to purple but no more purple bedrooms like in the earlier years of my marriage!

Kifus said...

Thanks for showing pictures of your lovely home!

Have a great weekend!

Dar said...

love the color tour of your home, especially lovin' that wonderful dresser, the white pottery and your awesome hat all I need is that lime in a coconut and some tequilla.......loveit
I found you on my sister Cher's blog

God Bless

Beadboard UpCountry said...

Your "Snippets" are such a great reflection of your blog and your personality! Very nice that blue chest is wonderful....Like Bette Midler said. "One must do the Tropicale!"

The Red Umbrella said...

Our kitchen is green, our living room is yellow but, as you may have guessed, we have a fair amount of red around too!

Your place is full of beauty!

Nancy said...

I Love your Blog !!!!
You have the courage to design with great imagination.
It is so inspiring to me and others to break the "traditional rules" for design.
Your house reflects your free spirit...Love it!!
p.s. Go for it...put the banana leaf wallpaper in your powder room!

Mónica said...

Your home is bright and colorful. Beautiful!

Vix said...

Always nice to see pics of your place because you are always sneaking in great new stuff or rearranging existing treasures to create intriguing new tableaux.

[I thought you snuck in that gorgeous painting, too--which would be right at home with me--until I saw the tag on the chest. Didn't even notice the plastic on the lampshades another poster caught, ha!]

The fixer in which I type is all about the aqua (from light to deeeeeep sparkly tile), the red and the chocolate-y tones.

Plus the yellows I'm forced to use because I don't live where you live!

Pearl Maple said...

Fun post, am finding the older we get the more inclinded we are to own our own personal colors, when you are younger, community, family and fads tell you must have the mustard walls or avocada fridge but then one day you thing - no this is the real me.

Kristin Lea said...

Linda, can I come live with you? i love your home! The colors in my home are Turquoise and golds and emerald greens. I love, love, love that blue/green cabinet!! its lovely! I am in the market for old library card catalogs. that cabinet reminds me of them!

Beki - TheRustedChain said...

That turquoise buffet thing... GORGEOUS!!!

Stephanie said...

What beautiful pictures!!!! I love your style :)

The Style Mansion said...

Your house looks like one of those ones you see in an interior magazine. It's beautiful and chaming.

fric and frac said...

What a gorgeous turquoise side table! I love turquoise and red together - and all of the color in your home! Beautiful!

Lisa Porter said...

2 things...
#1 I grabbed one of your great photos of your straw hats to include in my summer straw hat post. I will brag all about you and let you know when.
#2 where did you get your black dog licorice poster or print? As you know we have a black lab and I have just the perfect spot for it!
And yes i am totally stalking your blog this sunday morning....xoxo Lisa

Lisa Porter said...

How funny,
I see my mom has been visiting you again...she is Nancy in the comment above. She loves your style and has green and black palm tree wallpaper in her powder room, that's why she say's go for it!
xo Lisa
Please don't think that we are a mother-daughter stalking team. You just make us smile. xo

Cobalt Violet said...

So much beauty!!

Funny scanning my rooms there is a lot of red and blue/turquoise too!

Love your home!


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