Monday, October 4, 2010

Cupcake for your thoughts…..

I had a beautiful birthday weekend…


Relaxed….loved…a great Jamaican meal…

the best kind of celebration.

With butter cream frosting cupcakes to cap it off. Oh my.


But…. I would love your opine on this shade

for my recent orphan lamp.

Thought I’d try it on for size…I forgot I had it hanging around the house.

time for a garage sale???




square? Or…

Stick to a round shade??

I’ll give you a cupcake for your thoughts….




Joyce said...

The cupcakes look so... good!!!

I like the square shade with your new lamp. This lamp is so fun, because you can almost dress her for every season. Enjoy it. Happy Belated Birthday my friend!!! xo

mermaid gallery said...

yummy looking must have had a lovely day! I like the square shadebut with the rounded shape of the lamp, I think a round shade would look better.....belated Happy Birthday!

alison giese Interiors said...

Who? Whaaa?? Someone say cupcake???

Hmmmm....I'm thinking the shade looks a tad squatty in comparison to the tallness of the lamp base. Like the shape and texture, though!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I'm so glad you had a happy birthday! The cupcakes are FUN! Love the square shade...very eclectic! ♥

Drawn to The Sea said...

I vote round too, maybe white. The brass-turned-mercury-glass turns back a bit brassy under that golden glow. Or maybe that's the idea?

Oh, I don't know, just give me my cupcake please ;-)

(gorgeous photos, btw)

jenna ♥ a little blue said...

i was already hungry, but the cupcakes made my mouth water. literally. and i like the square shade. its unique

Janell @ House of Fifty said...

Happy Belated Birthday! I kind of like the square shade, is a nice contrast to the base. Janell

Porchlight Interiors said...

Happy belated birthday Linda! Love the lamp! I would have chosen round without seeing the square one on but I think the square works too! Tracey xx

Anonymous said...

Love the lamp and the shade is perfect! So 'You' I think. I am waiting for my cupcake in the mail.

Anon Susan

ShimmeringShack said...

Happy late birthday! I like the contrast of the square shade to the round base.....but I like cupcakes more : ) Those are beauties!

PK Studios said...

Happy Birthday.... and love the square! It looks like a fancy million dollar lamp. (I know because I used to shop for my millionaire design clients at the Pacific Design Center in LA!) Good eye!

Maya @ Completely Coastal said...

Oh, yum!! I'd stick with a round shade, more playful, just like the base.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday and the cupcakes look amazing!

Cobalt Violet said...

Happy Birthday!
AND I am in camp square! Love it. Very chic ... casual elegance. I might even say ... fabulous.

Cobalt Violet said...

p.s. also love the groovy necklace combo!

Black Zebra said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Square is the way forward i think, it somehow looks solid and balanced...and please don't tease about the cupcakes Linda -really not funny!

rjerdee said...

Happy Birthday, Linda! Who knew? I'd be up for a rounded shade, fairly large scale. Dramatic.

Melissa said...

Hmmm. I'm not sure about the shade, but those cupcakes sure look fantastic!

Happy Birthday! What great timing. It turns out that I have a small herd of goofy black dogs looking for a new home!

anita said...

looks good to me, crisp white or bright colors would too.

more importantly...happy, happy special day to YOU!

Renée Finberg said...

i can't decide which i like better...
the cupcakes or your delicious mix of the old and the new.


Ivy Lane said...

I can't decide either..the square is so unexpected... like that!

either one is fab....

those cupcakes look divine!

Deborah said...

♫♪ Happy Happy Birthday ♫♪
Oops, sorry. I licked all the frosting off the cupcakes. I'll just slip out now...
**blows kisses** Deb

Lila said...

I really like the square shade. It's not too traditional and adds just a little dimension! Oh, and Happy Birthday!
Lila Ferraro

Catherine said...

Happy Birthday!!!
Cupcakes look sooooo good! And sorry to say that I'm no help on the shade...I think either square or round would look great. : + Each offer different looks, both good.

Jane said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Those cupcakes look...oh well, they don't fit into my diet. (Maybe for my birthday!)

I like the square's unexpected. But, either would look wonderful on that great lamp.
Jane (artfully graced)

Karen @ Mignardise said...

Happy happy birthday to you. Don't know about the lampshade but the cupcakes look beautiful. Love the beads too.
Glad you had a nice weekend!

Acanthus and Acorn said...

Can I have a red velvet? Their my favorite! I love this style shade, I have 2 on glass block lamps. The lamp you have would probably look great with a drum can never go wrong with this style it's modern and classsic.

Simple Daisy said...

Glad you had a Happy Birthday weekend!!!!!!!
The cupcakes look fabulous:):)
And I vote for a round shade!!!!

Wahzat Gayle said...

Happy Belated :0 )
Those cupcakes look divine thanks

I like the square shade!

Ann said...

Those cupcakes look so yummy...

Now I'm craving for one...hmmm...

You know what? I'm partial to round shade when it comes to table lamps...
Now if we are talking about floor lamps I'm more adventurous there...

dec0r8or said...

Mmmmmm.....cupcakes! I hope you had a lovely birthday, Linda. And now I'm hungry for something yummy for breakfast. I think it's probably a good thing there are no cupcakes in the house.

I'm not loving the lamp shade, and I can't pin down quite why. I'm thinking it might be the texture. I'm all for mixing it up, but there's something about that combo that's just not working for me, which of course isn't to say you should do it, 'cause GIRL you've got more design sense in your little finger than I've got all year, so do what you want! :) We'll still love ya' anyway! :D

dec0r8or said...

What I meant to say was: "isn't to say you SHOULDN'T do it..."

Anonymous said...

Well Happy HAPPY belated birthday!

I'm loving the contrast between the square shade and the round beaded lamp.

I'll take a chocolate cupcake please


SeaWorthy said...


No WONDER we have this vibe, this connection, this love for all things chocolatey and frosted...
Twinstars, we are, and fellow, not librarians, either...Mine was the 5th..when was yours??
I like the shade, and you..just the way they are..
Happy Days, gimme a cupcake and no one gets hurt...

Desert Dreaming said...

Cupcakes ~ wow they look great, Happy Belated B'day! The lamp is so different, I would suggest a round shade to go with the round shapes in the lamp, but for an something...maybe with some flex of sparkle in the shade itself to match the lamp...

Anonymous said...

Happy belated birthday, dear Linda!!! So glad you had a good one. :) As for the shade, I'm thinking round but I think it looks good as is, too. Big help, aren't I?

Design Elements said...

the cupcakes look fabulous!

Eighty-Eight Ideas said...

YUMMM! Those look amazing!!!
Best, Connie

Vix said...

Happy, happy belated!

I want to love the linear shade, I do. Maybe it needs to be squarER? So I will vote round.

[Perhaps I am unduly influenced by cupcakes and the memory of that gorgeous pinecone ginger photo you posted, however. I reserve the right to change my mind when you sway me the other direction.]

La Petite Gallery said...

Happy belated birthday
The cup cakes look delish.
T like square shades too.
Keep it.. yvonne

sealaura said...

Hi Linda!

I just celebrated my birthday too! (oct 6) Happy birthday and those cupcakes look so yummy. i like the rounded look myself.

hope you have a great weekend. It is fall break for me so I am hoping to catch up on the blogosphere and in my life! :)

JudyMac said...

I don't mind the square, but if you're going for a modern, dramatic look, how about a black shade?

Did you say cupcakes? I'm ready, any time!

Renae Moore said...

Gosh I'm sorry I missed your birthday....those cupcakes look so yummy! I'm not so sure about that square shade....I'm thinking I would like round better!
I hope your celebration was grand!

L A C E Y said...

love the square shade. very cool. :)

Lisa Porter said...

Wellll, you know I'm a lamp tramp don't you? You must do a round shade. Ok enough about your really beautiful is really very nice. However, I am here to wish you a belated but very happy birthday. You are still celebrating aren't you?
Now I'm off to read more of your posts.


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