I have a wall of pics in our living Room. It seems to grow when we are not looking.
I had great plans to attack it this week, but haven't had a sec.
We also have other photos and art scattered. um. everywhere.
I wanted a bit more cohesive look. I don't know why...nothing in our house is "cohesive".
It's such a polite word.
Anyway, a talented,new BBFF (Blogging BFF....oh, she may just barf a little reading this) took on the challenge for me...and did a little photoshop magic,
changing the art/pics around a bit. Bless her little blogging heart!
Do you have a fave way?? Do I take the whole thing down? Do I paint all the walls white (which I am soo hankerin' to do)
Ideas??? I'll give ya a dollar.....really, this time.
The now...notice the nicely stacked pics on the bottom (rolling eyes)

like crossword puzzles or sudoku...
Exhausted yet??? Oh, and ignore the scary dying palm fronds.....please.
The goal.....get it figured out by this weekend.
Please do NOT take the photo shelves down! Paint the wall white, maybe, but keep the photos! I like virtual arrangement #2 a lot...but I've always liked your photo wall any way I can get it!
I'm sorry, were you saying something? I couldn't stop staring at the lumbar pillows on the couch! ;) I like #3 because the middle shelf in #2 doesn't have enough height variation. #3 does a better job of that. Do NOT take the shelves down. I just love that look! I know...that was bossy! :)
Great blog! Will check back often!
Hey Linda! OK, my vote is to keep the shelves!
And I vote for vignette #3. Don't ask me why other than it simply pleases my eye a little more.
Oh right, regarding the paint color... I am not the queen of paint color so I will say “Follow your heart”.
I agree, please don't take the shelves down. I think they look pretty darn good as is. Whichever you decide, you will have fun playing with the shelves and art!
I'm hanging my fantastic bargain botanicals, in the dining room, this morning. I can't wait to get that room finished, but alas, it will be a few more weeks, due to a surprise development...yes...J, who never says anything about the decor, said...he wished we had never bought that glass table of course I was off and running with that!!
Make that glass topped table...I must curb my excitement before writing comments!
I agree, I think you should leave the shelves. Love them!
I love the photos. They look great. I say, just paint.
Oh I love those shelves! In fact your pictures are saved on my computer as my inspiration for what I want to do in the family room! I love it!
I really like the first one. I wanted to do something like that on the giant wall behind my couch, but just couldnt work up the energy. This makes me wish I had!
Barf I did not! It was more like *blush* *grin*
I am all for the white paint, but you know me!
That is so cool that your friend could rearrange your pictures on Photoshop! My vote is for #3.
My "friend" is none other than the lovely Ashley from the Decorology Blog. She is uber talented in many many ways...check out her blog (you'll find it on my blogs I love sidebar!)
OK...Keep the shelves. Paint the walls. And go for Picture 3 or virtual 2. Sounds like a grand plan!
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!! I just LOVE all my blog friends!!
I would personally drive to your house if you took them down Linda! No way sista!
Keep 'em, keep 'em, keep 'em! I agree virtual #2.
I would never tell you what to do - you are so darn talented and I love everything you do - any which way - upside down, or all around - you've got style in spades and so I'll just sit back and admire.
Welcome to Blogland!!
*adding you to my sidebar now* :-)
Great blog!
I love your wall of pictures & shelves :-)
Hi, first time I've seen your site. About the shelves ......
I'd leave them, but take MOST of the photos off, & hang them on another wall. They just don't work like that, with all the bottoms level. Photo walls kindof fit together, like puzzle pieces. Leave a few photos on the shelves, & add some other interesting shapes/objects d'art. That's my 2 cents worth LOL>
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